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Toshiba shows off glasses-less 3-D TVs (Theme: points of parity & points of difference)

October 10th, 2010 by enzowoo

It appeared that starting with the release of James Cameron’s Avatar, 3-D movies and events got a life of its own in the entertainment industry. Seemingly, every other movie that was released had a 3-D element, eager to cash in on the craze.

Yeah, I'm big

It was not long before home TV manufacturers quickly caught on and realized the potential in bringing 3-D into living rooms, and not just reserving it for the large public cinemas that people would venture out to every so often.

Thus, this brought on an unavoidable situation: how will TV companies make themselves stand apart against the competition? The point of parity in Toshiba’s 3D-TV example is easy to see: an ultra-clear TV viewing experience, along with the ability to view 3D in a slim, private residence-appropriate housing, is given to consumers.

Sleek...but a brick come 2030

However, Toshiba appears to have taken things one step further by responding to the market demand of about 30% of TV consumers who have stated that they would like to have a living-room 3-D experience without having to wear the requisite glasses. In response, Toshiba has recently introduced several smaller-sized 3-D TVs, with no glasses required, essentially giving it the point of difference it so desired. Whether this idea proves to be a success is unsure, but no one can say that Toshiba did not attempt to build its own, unique, point of difference very early in the game.

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