
The e-Learning Toolkit at the University of British Columbia, was a CTLT developed website to provide faculty and staff with one-place where they can access examples, resources and links related to different learning technologies in the teaching and learning. I developed the ePortfolio resource to share strategies, and resources related to learning and teaching portfolios.

So What

In order to make this useful for the community we focused this resource on UBC examples to provide faculty with examples of colleagues developing and implementing ePortfolios.

We developed the site using the UBC Wiki as a content management tool and then used WordPress as the presentation layer. This allowed us to easily collaborate and edit content while providing organization to guide viewers through the resources.

Now What

There are a number of key elements of this development process that have informed my professional practice:

  • Sustainable resource development, in developing resources it is important to consider not only the initial development but also ensuring that the resource remains easy to edit and revise. In educational development especially around technology change and considering ways of providing dynamic spaces is important. We were able to achieve this by using open architecture (UBC Wiki blogs)