Journal of Chemical Education: Access Problem (UBC-V) – Resolved


UPDATE May 10th: Access restored!  Please report any continuing problems through our ER help form.

Currently, we are having problems accessing the full-text articles in  ACS’ Journal of Chemical Education. The publisher is recognizing the UBC-O (Okanagan) IP addresses but not UBC-V (Vancouver). As a result, access is blocked on the Vancouver campus and possibly via myVPN.

For the time being, please check the UBC Catalogue for which print copies we have. For instructions on how to request items from the ASRS, click here. For instructions on how to request items from other Library branches, click here. If neither option will get you the article you want, try InterLibrary Loans.

Sorry for the inconvenience. We will try to resolve this problem soon.

Posted in Ejournals, Vendor Drops Access | Tagged , , , , | 1 Comment

Scientific American: Now with Access Back to 1948

ScientificAmerToday, UNESCO works to protect the Amazon Rainforest. In 1948, UNESCO was poised to help America:

“…civilize the wild, rich Amazon and open it to colonization” —The Future of the Amazon, Scientific American, v.178, iss.5, p.11 (1948)

What other changes to our world view have occurred over the last 60 or so years? Take a look in the Scientific American archives.

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Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery: Online Access Restored

journal_BaJSLife Sciences folk, thank you for your patience.

Access to the full text articles in Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery, both the American & British editions, has been restored.

For British Edition, click here.

For American Edition, click here.

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ScienceDirect: UBC eLink Not Working

ScienceDirect_logoDue to recent changes Elsevier made to its ScienceDirect platform, our UBC eLink button elinkicon is not working as it should (you get a “Server not found” error). Elsevier is working to resolve this problem.

If you find a reference, citation or non-full text article in ScienceDirect you want to follow up on, try plugging the information into our CitationLinker (the Advanced Search tab has more input features).

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CRCnetBase: eBooks not Linking from Catalogue to New Site

*UPDATE* – netBASE links work from Catalogue

*NEWS FLASH* FOODnetBASE titles working *NEWS FLASH*

CRCnetBASE-logo150-2CRCnetBASE has a new site…

…but our ebooks aren’t linking to it from the catalogue.

To get to a CRCnetBASE ebook, please go to the CRCnetBASE home page and browse / search from there.

NOTE: CHEMnetBASE titles seems to be OK at the moment.

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ISI Web of Knowledge: Two Databases Added

ISI_webYou now have access to two new research resources on Web of Knowledge through your library and its participation in the Canadian Research Knowledge Network.” -Thomson Reuters email

MEDLINE (195o – Present) learn more here

Conference Proceedings Citation Index (1899 – Present) learn more here

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ubcvisitor: Wireless Internet for Visitors to UBC

wirelessThe next time you use your laptop on campus, you may notice a new wireless option: ubcvisitor (read more here).

As the name suggests, this is a wireless gateway to the internet for visitors — non-UBC folks.

If you are part of the UBC community and are trying to connect to eresources to which the UBC Library subscribes, PLEASE do not use ubcvisitor. Why? Because the IP addresses for this new network will not allow you to connect to subscribed eresources.

The recommended wireless network for UBC community members is ubcsecure.

If you have a valid UBCcard or a CWL and you are connected via ubcsecure and you still have problems accessing Library eresources, please let us know using our help form.

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Print Measurement Bureau: Down (but not for long?)

*UPDATE* – Access to 2009 data restored.

PMBFor all those attempting to get 2009 Product Data, apologies. Product Measurement Bureau (PMB) says its host server is down due to maintenance issues. They assure us it should be back later, but can’t give a time line. Currently, you see a blank screen or a “Unable to connect to the remote server” message.

Try later and watch this blog as we will post as soon as we know more.

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EZproxy Down Time: How it may affect you

*UPDATE* – EZproxy update a success. All should be working better than before.

ezproxyYou saw the banner on the Library Home page that reads:

EZproxy Unavailable – Thursday, Feb 4th, 2:00PM – 6:00PM

But what does that mean to you?

If you are trying to connect to a subscribed eresource from off campus, Proxy will not be an option for the 4 hours. Please use myVPN.

Books24x7_Logo_Final_clearBooks 24×7 will have connection issues till possibly Friday morning. The “old” login (for anyone familiar with the blue screen) will work if you have a pre-existing account. The new will not. See the Library Information Page for your login options. Only “Alternate online access: Click here for the electronic version.” links will work in the catalog during this time.

ebraryebrary will be unavailable from off campus unless you go through myVPN possibly till Friday morning. Personal bookshelves will be unavailable for the same period, whether on or off campus.

china_dataChina Data Online will be unavailable till Friday morning or possibly later.

GMIDGlobal Market Information Database (GMID) will be unavailable till possibly Friday morning.

Passwords that are hidden behind links that require your UBCcard Barcode and PIN will be unavailable for the 4 hours.

We apologize for all this (and possibly more) disruptions, but the end result will be a better Proxy service. If you encounter any problems or have questions, please contact us.

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Wiley Interscience 2010 Issues now Available!

hallelujahFinally, access to the Wiley Interscience 2010 issues has been turned on.

Thank you –especially to those in the Life Sciences who were most affected by this delay– for your patience.

For a review of the issues behind this delay, please see the earlier post.

If you encounter any problems, please email using our eResources help form.

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