History in Video: Trial Databases

Is it almost like being there? Check out American History in Video and World History in Video and see for yourself.

American History in Video provides the largest and richest collection of video available online for the study of American history, with 2,000 hours and more than 5,000 titles on completion.

World History in Video is a wide-ranging collection of critically acclaimed documentaries that allow students and researchers to explore human history from the earliest civilizations to the late twentieth century.

NOTE: This product is optimized to operate with Microsoft Internet Explorer 7.0 or higher, and Firefox 3.0 or higher. Audio and video resources are accessible with Adobe Flash Player 9 or higher. There is no mention of Safari on the site.

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Medical Business and Policy: Longwoods Videos & Audio

Longwoods has some audio and video files related to the business and policy side of medicine. As a UBC person, you should be able to listen/view here, whether on or off campus.

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Open J-Gate Links: Down for Today

Open J-Gate (an aggregator of “free” journals) has shifted their URL from a .org to a .com, it seems. What does that mean? Currently, all links to titles in this database from the ejournal A-Z list are broken. A refresh overnight should fix this.

If you can’t wait –and why should you?– go to http://www.openj-gate.com and browse for your journal title.

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U.S. Serial Set Digital Collection: Access Down

UPDATE: March 31, 2011 – Access Restored on new Proquest Platform – for details see: ProQuest Acquires CIS & UPA from LexisNexis


Due to a change in provider (the collection has moved from LexisNexis to ProQuest), a new agreement for this collection needs to be negotiated. We are working on it.

In the meanwhile, 1789-1954 are also available in opaque microform, AW 10 U48 Koerner Library Microforms.

Sorry for the inconvenience.

Add LexisNexis Statistical Insight to this problem, too. Library Has the following in print holdings:

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IEEE Xplore: Site Down Due to Storm

*UPDATE* They found their snow shovels. IEEE back online.*

IEEE reports its Xplore Digital Library is down due to storms on the East Coast. You can follow their tweets as they try to get back online at:


…or look for print copies of what you need in the Library Catalogue.

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Gale’s “Literature Criticism Online” Titles: Some Full-Text Gaps

If you are ever read a .pdf online from one of Gale’s “Literature Criticism Online” titles, such as:

  • Children’s literature review
  • Classical and medieval literature criticism
  • Contemporary Literary Criticism
  • Drama criticism
  • Literature criticism from 1400 to 1800
  • Nineteenth-century literature criticism
  • Poetry criticism
  • Shakespearean criticism
  • Short Story Criticism
  • Twentieth-century literary criticism

… and come across a mostly blank page that says “Text Not Viewable Online”, here is what’s going on per Gale:

Occasionally a critical essay or image may not be included due to licensing issues. On the pdf pages missing essays, a message will appear that reads “Text Not Viewable Online””

To find the missing essay, you should look to see if a print copy is held by the Library [search the Catalogue for the book/journal title -not the essay title] and if not, contact InterLibrary Loans.

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CiNii Open Access: “Shouldn’t we have access?”

We do have access. Just not as much as advertised.

Unfortunately, many of the coverage dates for CiNii: Open Access Journals in our ejournal A-Z list exaggerate our access. We are working to get these dates corrected. Do continue to let us know when the coverage dates are wrong.

Sorry for any confusion and inconvenience.

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Emerald eJournals & eBooks: More Added!

Our access to ejournals & ebooks from Emerald has grown.

Along with Emerald Management Plus [ currently offering 225 journals from 24 management disciplines  ] we now have:

  • Emerald Engineering eJournal Collection – includes all 19 journals within Emerald’s engineering, materials science and technology portfolio.
  • Emerald Business, Management and Economics eBook Series Collection – over 550 volumes from more than 70 book series titles. The series features topical, international and authoritative content from many fields including strategy, economics, accounting and finance and human resource management.
  • Emerald Social Sciences eBook Series Collection – includes more than 240 volumes from over 35 book series titles. The collection will be of interest to researchers in the fields of education, environmental management/environment, health care management/healthcare, language and linguistics and sociology and public policy.

All collections can be accessed from our Emerald Resource Page.

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China Academic Journals & CNKI Titles: Sites Down

**UPDATE** The power is on and the journals are back*

Due to power outages at the platform site, several Chinese journal collections are unavailable: China Academic journals from East View / CNKI. Stay tuned.

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Confidential Print: Middle East, c1839-1969: New Resource

Anyone working on the Modern Middle East will find the Confidential Print: Middle East collection extraordinarily useful. This collection is an absolutely invaluable resource for both researchers and teachers because of the range of documents available and the ease with which one can access them. The database is straightforward, simple to use, and is readily searchable. Anyone accustomed to popular databases such as JSTOR will find the Confidential Print: Middle East collection immediately familiar. One can bring up an original document on one’s own computer and/or download a PDF facsimile. The database also provides all the documentary information needed by researchers in an easy-to-use format.” -Professor Michael Gasper, Occidental College

This collection covers a broad sweep of history from c. 1839 to 1969, taking in the countries of the Arabian peninsula, the Levant, Iraq, Turkey and many of the former Ottoman lands in Europe, Iran, Afghanistan, Egypt and Sudan.

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