Gossip Girl Season Premiere? pfft let’s embarrass Erica on the internet instead.

If you haven’t already met Mark, a fellow first year UBC Blog Squad Member, you probably should. Today I developed a really bad cold and was lucky enough to have classes from 9am-4pm today with a 2 hour reading break in the library. I haven’t even had classes for one week and I’m already sick- lucky me. So when I decided to take a nap this evening, Mark showed up at my door with Ikea ginger snap cookies and some cough syrup. After working on healing my short little body, he took me to his room to brew me some lovely tea to help my throat. What a sweetheart. See, use bloggers are the best souls in the world.

So here’s the fun part. Mark is half aware of this and half unaware. He gave me some blackhead strips to try out for fun and suggested I wait until I’m healed later this week. Little does he know that I am a huge fan of public embarrassment and I decided to take photos and blog about my experience of trying blackhead strips for the first time. He also doesn’t know that I’m advertising this on my blog either (surprise!) or that I have no respect for my ill little body and I went ahead and put them on my face during today’s Gossip Girl season premiere that everyone but me was watching. PS, Kevin our Residence Coordinator loves Gossip Girl and has a flat screen tv in his room to watch it on. Pure dedication.


Meet Maegan and Megan! Roommates and the photographers for the evening’s events.


Before shot of my face in our Totem bathroom.


I’m absolutely crazy about LUSH products and it’s all I use. Here’s my super weird looking facial scrub called Dark Angel.


Scrubbing up my face getting ready for the blackhead strips.


Applying the white strips to my forehead and nose.


Directions: Leave on face for 10-15 minutes until it hardens.


Step 2: Blue steal.


Harden quicker blackhead strips, I know I look hot and all in them but I’ve got readings to do.


Step 3: Texting Vanier friends while waiting for the time to pass is a must.


Step 4: Time’s up! Let’s get pulling!


Getting the most painful one done first: the nose strip.


Blackhead removal action that you cannot see which is great because that would be just awkward.


The forehead strip hurt more then I thought. Thanks Mark for providing me with entertainment.


Strips are all done! Thank goodness. Time to clean off the strip area again with my crazy black stuff that scares people.


Now some LUSH Tea Tree Toner.. ohhhh yeahh 🙂


Squeaky clean! Results: Some blackheads were removed from my nose area but, I should of left it on a little bit longer instead of getting inpatient around the 12 minute mark. I am now ready to go to class lookin’ gooood and to surprise Mark with this blog post. 🙂

3 thoughts on “Gossip Girl Season Premiere? pfft let’s embarrass Erica on the internet instead.

  1. Mark Antczak


    You would do somethig like this. I hope to god your nose didnt start bleeding prufusely.

    But yes, you inspired me to finally start my blog that I havent updated in almost two weeks. SO bad.

    stoked for sbucks 🙂

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