Here’s what’s up. Here is today’s lunch at the office. It’s a beef patty with peameal bacon, caramelized onions, tomato, lettuce and hot sauce. It’s kind of a big deal.
Greetings from an endless summer of sunshine in Toronto, right as we are on the brink of the fresh month of June. First off, a huge congrats to everyone at UBC who is graduating this past week and this upcoming week. There are three people (one of which has already graduated but now done their education fully after this year) that I wanna give a little shout out to.
Alex Lougheed, thanks for giving me insights into your own political scandals and how UBC politics works. If it wasn’t for you, I wouldn’t know about the war against fun, or the problems with private and student housing on campus, and I wouldn’t have been placed in so many cool opportunities in these last few months. It’s all because of you, and I’ve enjoyed having the extreme pleasure of being a small part of the UBC Insiders world through interviewing graduates at TeleStudios and getting random emails with hearts attached. Thank you & I’m stoked to see what small part of the world you dominate next.
Kevin Byers, when I lost my passport 2 business days before I left for Guatemala and it was 1am during exams, you invited me to play Mario Party in your room with you. Did I accept this offer? Yes. Do I regret it? No. I also don’t regret the chicken flavored pork chops that turned out to be a tasty mix of disastrous spices. Thank you for being an amazing friend, for listening to my boy drama, always being on facebook chat in the middle of the night without fail, having great music taste, and for having the biggest heart a person could possibly contain. You may not be at UBC anymore, but I look forward to cooking adventures at your new place, representing you through RezLife and continuing to become a future little blogging hack. Thank you for being you.
Kyla Brophy, without you, I would of been completely lost. I came into first year with a huge weight of scholarship pressures and you let me know what the real deal was and how to manage. You gave me your own personal stories, you treated me as if I was one of your closest friends that you’ve known for years, and you exemplified who I want to be in my fourth year, even if that means staying up all night trying to figure out my thesis. You have my kind of attitude of making a search for ice cream in the IFL your number one priority over being to a workshop on time. Seriously my friend, you forever will be Momma Loran and I love you for it. You are the funniest, sweetest, and busiest person out there who will still find time for others. Thank you, truly, thank you.
That’s it. I just wanted to give a shout out to those people who have helped me along the way into becoming who is now Erica at the end of her first year. I still haven’t grown any taller, but I hold myself in a different way than before and these people had a role in that.
Now for Music Monday.
Here’s my Music Monday choice for today, passed on by Mr. Jobin Sam here at MOB baseCamp. The song is called Fake Empire, by The National.

That’s the deal for today. I’m off to do another photo shoot for the MOB, this time at Yonge & Dundas (the heart of Toronto). Tomorrow I’ve got a benefit concert in Lindsay, Ontario and hopefully I’ll have some laundry done before then. The situation is getting pretty bad when it comes to clean clothes choices.
West coast trees, laser tag and warm hearts,
Yo mobster, the picture for that sweet burger isn’t working! The description sounds amazing though!
I am looking forward to some blogging about future fantastic cooking 🙂