Category Archives: Music Monday

Music Monday

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One of my all time favorite songs that AE has ever played in store. Ladies and gentlemen, it’s Ladyhawke’s ‘Paris is Burning.’ My favorite part of the music video is the sequence where she walks through the sparks starting around the 1:40 mark.

I slept in today until 11am by accident, missing all of my morning classes. My mother is mailing me a new alarm clock since the defective one I bought from Ikea was used for a prank in residence.

Music Monday

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Today, first floor Nootka smelt like spicy pasta. Second floor Nootka, where I call home, continued to smell like a 2 week old damp face cloth and decaying oranges. I think the smell has invested itself into the carpet. Enjoy some Crimewave by Crystal Castles vs Health. Katie on second floor Nootka recommends this beat.