The Tims Next Door

“We’re not just in your neighbourhood, we’re your neighbours. Join our team.”

“We’re not just in your neighbourhood, we’re your neighbours. Join our team.”

Have you ever imagined that you could wake up one morning and look next door to see that a house has been transformed into a Tim Hortons overnight? Well, in Southwest Calgary it happened. In efforts to increase their marketing, Tim Hortons wanted to draw attention to the job availability in their Alberta restaurants that they are trying to fill. This is what they call the Tims Next Door’ recruitment campaign. I believe this is a great idea! What better way to market a business than to put it right in front of people where it is easily accessible. People were offered free coffee and donuts to go inside the home and take a look to see what working at a Tim Hortons is really like. Although this kind of campaign can be pretty costly – turning a home into a restaurant for just one day – it is a unique strategy that could work for them. People all over Canada were commenting on how they would like to see the campaign come to their neighbourhood. If this strategy is successful, Tim Hortons could see an increase in employees, which would lead to an increase in their sales, and therefore, an increase in their revenue.


It’s Hard to Live Without a Brain

It's just as important to have a healthy brain as it is to have a healthy lifestyle.

It’s just as important to have a healthy brain as it is to have a healthy lifestyle.

The biggest craze these days are in health. Most people are caught up in the eating healthy and working out aspect of a healthy lifestyle, but little did they know that’s not all they need to worry about. Brain diseases are on the rise and it is something to make note of. Dr. Raymond Lam offered readers 7 ways (exercise the brain, fitness, sleep, communicate with friends, eat an antioxidant diet, challenge yourself, appreciate beauty) we can help ourselves stay mentally fit. But as students, how are we going to cram these things into our busy schedules? It’s something along the lines of time management. Although, most of us are “good students” and tend to like to get our work done as soon as we can, sometimes we need to give ourselves some time away from school and work on our physical health. It’s good to prioritize; what’s most important and needs to be done first; and what doesn’t need to be done as urgently. Even during that short time in between, we can use it to better our brains and keep them mentally fit. Because without a brain, where would we be?


Pretty and Plus Sized

Abercrombie & Fitch launch anti-bullying campaign with t-shirts.

Abercrombie & Fitch launch anti-bullying campaign with t-shirts.

Abercrombie & Fitch CEO, Mike Jeffries, has a marketing scheme that leads us to question his ethics and the integrity of the brand name. Because he believes that “good-looking people attract other good-looking people,” the company hires very selectively. His statement brings upon the questions, what makes someone good-looking? Is it their attributes? Their body? Is it the way they dress? Or the size they wear? These things shouldn’t matter to us, but they do. They matter so much that in efforts to patch up the issue, Abercrombie & Fitch came out with an anti-bullying t-shirt. It’s terrible to think that Jeffries could believe that coming out with a special t-shirt would fix the problem. All the women’s styles do not come in sizes larger than 10 and still don’t. So, what this campaign is doing is not fixing the problem but just covering it up to help lessen the blow. Jeffries hasn’t put any money into creating new sizes but instead he offered scholarships to those who fought bullying. Although, he seems to be trying to make good with the people affected, I don’t believe it gains him any new fans.
