High School


Getting Started

Watch the video below.

Discuss with the person beside you your thoughts on this video.

Task 1: Definition 

It is time to get familiar with the definition of e-waste.  Use the following websites (and any of your own) to create your own definition of e-waste. Post your definition below in the comment section of this page.

TASK 2: Crunch the numbers


Create an online questionnaire.

Your questionnaire needs to collect data regarding: the number of devices people own, how many devices they have recycled and where their recycled devices went.  Please included any other questions you develop.

  1. Use a bar graph to represent the places people recycled their devices.
  2. Calculate the mean, median and mode for the number of devices owned and recycled by your test subjects.

Compare your results with your classmates.  Discuss the trends you see in your data.


TASK 3: Start an e-waste Change

Your school has asked your group of 4 to create a campaign  to encourage the proper disposal of electronics.

Create the following:

  • Video advertisement
  • Website: outline the e-waste problem and solutions and a plan for your school.

 Use the links and videos below to guide your research.



Extension TASK: A day in the life of.

Reflect on your e-waste research.  What would it be like to be in Africa or India as a child collecting parts and materials from electronic devices?  To answer this question you can write a story, poem or comic strip.  Remember to apply your research of topic (health, economy, culture, policy etc. ) to support your writing.


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