Module 2 – Post 3 – Preservation of Language


One of the hallmarks of a distinct culture is its distinct language. Indigenous peoples of North America have struggled to preserve their language in the face of strong western influences and the legacy of colonialism. Speakers of traditional languages become fewer and fewer with each passing year. Groups such as the Indigenous Languages Institute are working to try to restore the role that these languages have in Indigenous culture in the preservation of unique cultural practices and history. Whats interesting about the approach taken by this group is that they embrace traditional learning methods of teaching as well a computer based/seminar education in order to help a wider range of students rediscover the language. Interestingly, this approach exposes people outside of Indigenous groups to these languages who do not have the same attachement to Place as a Aboriginal learner would. The goal is to make the language relevant to all people by increasing awareness to the languages vibrant nature as well as its deep historic traditions.

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