Mod 2:3 Smudging

Smudging is a ceremony where a braided length of sage is burnt and the smoke is used by the participants for healing. Prayer is part of the ceremony and is used as well as the cleansing with smoke.

I have had the privilege of participating in a few smudges. Two were at St. Mary’s Community School in Saskatoon, SK. where students participate in a weekly smudge. I have also participated during staff PD days. While looking for a resource that would have a good explanation of the ceremony I found The Smudging Ceremony. The website is well written and respectful of the ceremony.

During my searching, I also found this video, How to Smudge. I am including this video in this post because I feel it is a misinformed resource. At one end of the spectrum, ceremonies and stories belong to families and communities and should not be shared with outsiders. At the other end of the spectrum, stories and ceremonies belong to everyone. There is a balance where stories and ceremonies can be shared carefully however this video forgets the sacredness of the smudge.

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