Indian Day School

I found an interesting article regarding attendants of Indian day schools. The day schools were different from the residential schools in that students returned home at the end of the school day. At residential schools, students were kept in residence, away from family. However, like residential schools, the day schools were funded by the federal or provincial governments and run by the churches. In many cases the abuses were the same if not worse, and the only difference was that in some cases, the children got to go home at end of day. Many went home hurt and ashamed of being aboriginal.

The article says that a class action lawsuit will be filed in federal court sometime this month by BC day scholars.

The article can be read here:


The Canadian Press. “Day students seek class action for suffering at B.C. residential schools |” Global News | Latest & Current News – Weather, Sports & Health News. N.p., n.d. Web. 5 Oct. 2013. <>.

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