Module 2 – Post 3 – First Nation Education Funding

Further to the previous post regarding the increases in funding in First Nations Education, this Aboriginal and Northern Affairs Canada website provides data on Federal Funding Levels for First Nations in K-12 Education.

Here are some of the statistics from 2011-12:

– $1.55 billion provided to support First Nations elementary and secondary education.

– $200 million was provided to First Nations for construction and maintenance of education facilities on reserve.

– Manitoba had the highest number of FTE (Full-Time Equivalent) students at 21,114. Atlantic Canada had the lowest number at 6,098.

– Quebec had the highest per student funding amount at $15, 420. Saskatchewan had the lowest per student funding amount at $12,563.

My colleagues tell me that although the numbers seem to be impressive they are not. Why? In Manitoba, funding per student is greater if students attend Provincially run schools. In fact, there is a now movement by First Nation schools in Manitoba to join Provincially run school divisions due to the funding inequity. Approximately $2500 in extra funding per student is provided. In more relative terms, for every 100 students, this is an additional $250,000.

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