Tag Archives: Ecology

Module 3 – Post 5 – Traditional vs Scientific Knowledge

The question of what is traditional knowledge and how does it interface with scientific knowledge is a very intriguing question. In understanding these issues better it is necessary to try to put aside assumptions that you all harbor and attempt to look at the issues involved with a an unbiased focus. This fascinating lecture/discussion by Elaine Abraham (Tlingit Elder) and Gordon Orians (U. of Washington) go a long way in trying to explain and bring these ideas together.


This discussion focuses on ecological management in the Pacific Northwest and in doing so shows the similarities and differences between both methods of looking at the natural world.

Module 1 – Post 5 – Eco Literate Law

EcoLiterate Law is a website by Robert Hershey, a professor at the University of Arizona teaching in Law and American Indian Studies Faculties and Director of Clinical Education for the Indigenous Peoples Law & Policy Program. This website is created as a course based on an article he wrote titled Globalization and the Transformation of Cultures and Humanity: A Curriculum and Toolkit for the Efflorescence of Ecological Literacy in Legal and Business School Education. This paper includes a section called The Impact of Digital Technology on Indigenous Peoples which I thought would be very relevant to this course.