Tag Archives: Indian Act

Module 1 – Post 5 – Indian Act


I’ve included two links here. The first link is for the AANDC website that is the Indian Act. Farly dry stuff but you really want to get in to the details, this is the site with that information. The second link is for a wikipedia page. Much easier to read although I hope that the information is accurate. Oh Wikipedia! A few interesting points to note:

  • The Indian Act was enacted in 1876.
  • The Act provides Canada’s federal government exclusive authority to legislate in relation to “Indians and Lands Reserved for Indians”.
  • There have been a series of amendments but the original Act is still in use today.

From the last point, legislation that was created in the time of John A MacDonald stills dictates the way the federal government deals with First Nation peoples in Canada. I know there a many posts here but if anyone does read this and has the time to post please do. My own thought is the Indian Act is archaic and of course, creates a sense of frustration for First Nation people, In my organization, First Nation people in my organization have told me that once a year they are able to attend a First Nation gathering at The Forks, a Winnipeg meeting place, and receive $5.00. Supposedly, according to the Act, they are also entitled to a bag of flour. It’s 2013…how can this be?

My posts for this module have been around what is First Nation and what is the relationship involvement with Government. Because AANCD is responsible for First Nation Education I felt it important, for my anyway, to explore this.