Tag Archives: Ntsayka Ikanum

Module 2: Weblog 4: Ntsayka Ikanum’s Story

Ntsayka Ikanum is an Indigenous tribe of Grand Ronde, Orgeon.  This website is a documentation and archive of their history, tradition and current culture.  There are videos of elders speaking in their Indigenous language and telling stories with English subtitles at the bottom.  The language is also scripted in writing with the spoken alphabet recorded.  Currently, the Ntsayka Ikanum tribe is practicing language revitalization.  There are immersion pre-schools and kindergartens for the young children to learn the language fluently.

There is also information about their history, their struggle of relocation, current community events and traditions, and stories of their elders.  There are many audio clips within the website to hear the language and listen to the stories or song being told/ chanted.

The title of the home page is Our Story , I feel that this website was created by the tribe members to take control of their history and represent their own tribal identity through their own stories from their perspective for the world to understand.
