Tag Archives: taiwan

Module 1 – Post 5: Taiwan’s Indigenous Peoples

Each year my school hosts International Week, during which the school’s international nature is celebrated. Flags from each country represented at the school are hung along the school walkway, special guests come to classes to share their culture, the PTA hosts a whole range of activities (games from around the world, story telling from around the world, dancing from around the world), and the highlight is always the international lunch we share together! Without a doubt, International Week is the highlight of the year for most students, parents and teachers.

It was during International Week in my first year here that I first became aware of Taiwan’s Indigenous Peoples. I was quite surprised on national dress day to see so many Taiwanese students wearing Indigenous dress. It was really interesting to see the Taiwan exhibit put on by parents where the majority of the posters/images were of modern, Chinese Taiwan while the dress worn by the parents and the games offered for students to play were all Indigenous.

As I read more about Taiwan’s Indigenous peoples I am disheartened to learn that they are often viewed as ‘second-class citizens.’ It made me feel that this is a rather archaic/colonialist perspective and one that I had hoped was no longer present in the world. Seeing the ways in which Western countries are working towards improved relationships with and respect for Indigenous cultures, it saddens and concerns me to know that there are countries that are not moving forward and working to improve the rights of Indigenous peoples.

I am curious now as to different countries and the rights of Indigenous peoples and how Indigenous peoples are viewed, but am also a little reluctant to find out more as I fear things may not be moving in a forward, positive direction. Regardless, it is very interesting to consider Indigenous cultures outside of North America as I know so little about these peoples.