Chatterbox: The DIY Programmable Smart Speaker

Originally posted by MET student Abraham Kang on 20/05/2019

This is a Kickstarter campaign I came across that introduces younger children and students to computer programming/building/electronics. The main focus here is to replicate a Google Home/Amazon Alexa without the any privacy issues. Definitely an interesting introduction to robotics/AI.

( Average Rating: 2 )

One response to “Chatterbox: The DIY Programmable Smart Speaker”

  1. johannes dirk wielenga

    No, I would not invest in this venture. I really like the product because of the privacy concerns with devices like Amazon Echo and the like, but I also really like that it seems to be a good entry-way in to coding and robotics for young children. But I am judging the pitch, not the product.

    The pain point was made clear, but the pitch does not explain in any way how privacy is protected through this device. It also veers off of their main pain point of “privacy” and tries to sell it as an educational device. It looks a lot like Nintendo LABO, but it acts a lot like an Amazon Echo, with some Scratch elements thrown in: but none of this is highlighted. The pitch differentiates itself from the Echo by saying it provides privacy as well as coding tools, but is quite vague about any other product out on the market. As well, the pitch provides a few examples of what the device can do, but doesn’t speak to its limitations (what does the Echo do that this does not? Finally, there is no mention of he leadership team (no championship), and the Ask is simply “give us money”. So no, I would not invest in this venture with the current pitch.

    ( 0 upvotes and 0 downvotes )

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