
Originally posted by MET student leeyy on 20/09/2014.

eduCanon is a free service that is designed to help educators apply flipped/blended learning. It also helps educators customize existing online content to the needs of learners in a medium that is designed for effective learning.

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One response to “eduCanon”

  1. julio palacios

    NO (Maybe 10 years ago, my interest may have been peaked). eduCanon has taken a novel approach to educational video streaming by offering educators with the ability to embed questions throughout key points of the video. During the venture pitch, with varying enthusiasm, Dan outlines that YouTube is the second biggest search engine in the world. Although he fails to connect and exemplify how this statistic relates to the educational use of YouTube, he makes the point that many people gravitate towards a video format. Dan continues by describing the purpose of his venture and adds value to the product by outlining its data aggregating potential and how it can help educators in a variety of facets. Unfortunately, he fails to mention that there are already competing products out there (quick scan shows that both Teachem and edpuzzle were available 2014). Dan presents his pricing plan by noting there will be both free-to-use and paid services. The presentation is concluded with an ask. To accumulate $300 000 in funding to penetrate the market by extending their marketing campaign in hopes to onboard over 50 schools by the end of the year. No forecast of a return was provided to potential investors.

    ( 1 upvotes and 0 downvotes )

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