[The report is not Open. It costs $1499. However, I found it helpful just to read the introduction or look at the index. It can give you a starting point when you refine your search in free publications websites :)]
Based on the report description: “This report is based on a two-pronged market research study conducted by MDR in the spring of 2018. MDR administered a nationwide survey and online bulletin board to classroom teachers about technology in their schools. Survey responses and qualitative perceptions from over 4,400 teachers created a snapshot of how they are using a variety of classroom technologies, including the Internet, personal devices and hardware, apps, online resources, learning management, and student information systems.
The report serves as a summary and analysis of the research findings and can be used to inform business leaders about popular brands and products in the educational technology industry. Survey responses are also organized by school demographics such as enrolment, grades and subjects taught, district size, region, metropolitan status, and poverty level. Each chapter offers key takeaways, providing valuable insights for school marketers and organizations engaging with schools”. Link to the report