Since its founding in 2011, BYJU has expanded from India’s largest K-12 education app to acquire North American ed-tech companies. Today, BYJU is the world’s most successful ed-tech unicorn company currently valued at 10.0 B + within the global ed-tech market, which is predicted to reach $ 404 B by 2025. BYJU continues to not only corner the ed-tech market in India, ranked #2 in the world but has already begun to expand into the U.S. mark, ranked #3 in the world, by acquiring OSMO, a U.S. startup that makes learning games for young children.
As a public school educator, I took a particular interest in the company’s online learning platform as it delivers high quality, engaging, and accessible education. The company’s platform makes use of original multi-media content, watch-and-learn videos, rich animations, and interactive simulations that make learning contextual, visual, and practical, enabling individual students to effectively receive a personalized educational experience. It has scaled a learning model in a profitable way by focusing on content and teaching.
After diving into the market research on learning platform companies in ed-tech, I have identified BYJU as a learning platform and company worthy of significant investment. BYJU is a privately held later stage VC company backed by 24 investors. The Chan Zuckerberg Initiative (CZI) got a 7X return on their 2016 investment of $50 million. As the company shifts focus to capture U.S. markets, I have provided a critical review to support continued investment in the growth of this company. I have strived to keep my analysis under the 2000 words criteria to provide a concise report on this exciting opportunity. Please have a look at the site https://edtechanalystreport.weebly.com I look forward to your feedback.