Story Steppers Venture Pitch
Hello Fellow ETEC 522 Educational Venture Analysts, Below you will find my preliminary pitch for Story Steppers – an AR Storytelling App to the Natural and Cultural History of a Place. This is a concept that has been tickling at my synapses for some time now to solve a problem that was presented to me […]
Assignment 3 – P2P learning platform
Living in China for the past five years has given me opportunities to travel through remote places in China and other Asian countries. As an educator I wish all the children could get equal opportunity to receive proper education. However due to the financial, geographical locations, physical issues and many external and internal reasons, there […]
A3: Appmatch
48% of people forget to cancel a free trial before they’re charged with auto renewal for a product they do not want. TRIM, the financial heath company, estimates the average consumer can save $120 with subscriptions scanning & cancellations services. While some app consumers use services like TRIM, many do not and become frustrated by being […]
If you believe that each student, teacher, and family deserve quick, easy access to technology, as I do, then I have just the product for you! I introduce, SecurED. What we offer is a multi-purpose, multi-platform, infrastructure program that is downloadable onto a portable USB/ bluetooth enabled device. The program, contained on this one convenient […]
Insight Learning Engine
I have often become frustrated by the hard segregation between instructional design and media production when it comes to eLearning design. In my creation, I have attempted to address the issues I encounter on a daily basis in my work as an eLearning designer. Insight Learning Engine solves the fragmented workflow of modern tech-leveraged instructional […]
A3: PRINF- PRint INFinitely
Have you ever printed more than 10 papers just to realize that you printed them by mistake or you don’t need them any more? Does it make you feel bad that you can only recycle them now? Don’t you wish to have a machine that reverse the printing where you can get your paper and […]
A3 – Concierge by Top Hat
This venture is a proposed new market for an established startup Classroom Management Software company, Top Hat. Top Hat currently has no presence in the K-12 market. Most marketers would agree that educators are slow to embrace technology. It’s not a resistance to tech per se, but a resistance to the expenditure of precious time […]
simia: reinvent the virtual classroom
Schools around the world have switched to online platforms, but none of these platforms were designed for use in schools. The result is a clunky mode of delivery that makes it difficult to develop that classroom connection. For teachers, building that understanding of students and their progress is even more difficult. Many students feel isolated. […]
A3 – EA Assist
As a former Special Needs educator I have always admired the hard work and dedication of the Educational Assistants (EAs) that I worked with. Many of them really made a difference in the lives of the students that they worked with and many of these students would have had a very difficult time in school […]
A3 TOP Edge-Testing Operations Portal
TOP Edge is conceived and developed from the idea that in a complex and quickly changing world as ours there is a need to reorganize our learning environments and reimagine the content and delivery of our learning evaluation system. Majority of students now embrace digital technology for its ability to help them learn at their […]