If you believe that each student, teacher, and family deserve quick, easy access to technology, as I do, then I have just the product for you! I introduce, SecurED. What we offer is a multi-purpose, multi-platform, infrastructure program that is downloadable onto a portable USB/ bluetooth enabled device. The program, contained on this one convenient device, will be connected to each of the students’ school accounts. It will go to and from school to keep students and their families connected to their school and teachers.
There is no better time to get into the global Edtech market than right now; as many are struggling to keep up with remote and online learning demands. SecurED supports both school and at-home learning and increases productivity and parent involvement. Enjoy 🙂
P.S I realized after watching my video that I used Canva’s logo (graphic design platform) rather than Canvas’ (LMS platform) on one of my pages; substituted logo added below:
Elevator Pitch:
Venture Pitch:
I am a little confused with the concept. Do you not need a technology to run the program?
You did a good job with your video animations! I found that the second video could be paired down more.
I could tell there was a lot of research that went into your planning. Thank you for sharing.
REVIEW: I’m also not sure if I can understand this product. But if by plugging in a USB, they can access many different software without having to download multiple platforms, I think it would be good. It does get quite frustrating for parents when they have to download an APP for learning, an APP for communication, and an APP for live conference classes…etc.
FEEDBACK: Your elevator pitch video is very beautifully done and I can tell you put in a lot of time and energy. I would suggest to slow down on some pages, since some of the slides with lots of words moved a bit too quick, so I couldn’t get a good read on some important information. In terms of the venture pitch video, I can hear paper flipping, ruffling sounds, and mistakes in speech. For a real venture pitch, I would suggest to re-record with a cleaner background, and edit out all the speech mistakes. Cutting the video down to under 8minutes would be helpful to keep investor attention as well.
Thank you for sharing!
Hi Tamara, thank you for sharing your venture idea. You touched on some important pain points, especially around the apparent waste of time, resources and productivity when schools purchase technologies that are never used. Your explanation of the problem is excellent. In regards to the solution, I agree, Emily. I was a little uncertain about what exactly your technology was offering. If the premise is that students would be able to access various software applications from connecting with a Bluetooth enabled USB stick, I think that is a compelling venture idea and worth exploring.
When Hootsuite became the ultimate social media management platform, I was kicking myself for not thinking of it first… but this brings up a question about SecurED. While listening to your pitch, I anticipate you would address this system’s advantages over an LMS or similar cloud services? Please forgive my lack of familiarity with the K-12 system, as I am only familiar with some post-secondary systems. Still, I believe the solution used by many colleges and universities is to institute campus-wide login systems where the same password will get you into the library resources, register for events, allow you to add money to your food card or help you order transcripts. Because I do not work in the K-12 environment ad I felt I might be way off base I shared your video with my wife, who is a teacher, and she pointed out many devices are moving away from USB flash drives for security concerns with malware and data security. I would love to hear your thoughts on this trend.
Overall I think this is an excellent idea with so much potential. As a parent of two little ones in elementary school, I can relate to all the logins’ frustration. Thank you again for sharing your idea.
Hi Tamara,
Interesting concept. I think if you replace the physical USB idea with a local server or secure, cloud-based option you would have something seriously worth considering. It reminded me instantly of a product called DocIt from the K-12 division of Pearson Canada (https://www.pearsoncanadaschool.com/index.cfm?locator=PS2nQ9). I’m sorry that I don’t have any research that I can share with you. I don’t know how well it was received (if at all), but the tool was intended to help solve that problem you outlined. It was very expensive to develop, but in the end was simple to use and customizable. Features and function requests changed over time, but I believe that customizability (turn features on/off, drag to a different location) was always the top selling point.
REVIEW: Your product seems fairly staightforward, and I wholey agree that the myriad of platforms we use are overwhelming (to students and parents alike!). However, how is this product more effective than a hub-webpage? The USB still needs internet, relies on a device with a USB-A port, and (as you pointed out) runs the risk of being lost. A webpage would have less overhead cost — it could be attached to the school website, and use one universal login (such as libraries use for patrons to access additional e-resources) and would not need any physical components purchased. It would also take less time for teachers/admin (de/activating USB devices for each student. These are just my thoughts, take them or leave them!
FEEDBACK: Your Venture Pitch is very comprehensive, and I appreciate that you are emphasizing the barrier to parent involvement. Emily makes a great point about editing it down to keep investor attention. I really enjoyed your Elevator Pitch. It had a great level of energy and easily conveyed what your venture is about. Thank you for sharing, Tamara!
You did an excellent job of outlining the financial and engagement issues facing schools and their use of educational technology. I am not clear however on how you intend SecurED to solve the financial issue (it seems that it’s actually an added expense?), and I don’t see how it has much advantage over the LMS or SSO (Single Sign-ON such as UBC’s Campus Wide Login) already in use. It seems to me that adding a small USB dongle only adds complexity and expense while precluding it from being used with devices that don’t have a USB-A port (ie: All macs, phones and tablets).
You’ve done a great job here, Tamara. You’ve clearly done a lot of research and work, have been most thorough and have identified a very real problem that needs a solution. Good for you. I particularly loved your elevator pitch video.
One recommendation here is to get to the What a little quicker, so that you don’t lose anybody.