As my laptop struggles to export my presentation to video, I have sent my Pitch and Venture Presentation to David directly as the rendering will not be completed by midnight tonite.
Albeit, I’ll introduce my venture here. I chose an existing company in the corporate training sector that can only deliver its program in person using Lego Serious Play. I created a fictitious pivot to digitize Lego so that it can still be built and shared collaboratively online using Spatial.IO, an AR platform. I was looking for a business that has been significantly affected the pandemic, but wasn’t a brick mortar, that needed an online delivery method in order to remain viable. I also wanted to know the owner to get insights that I would not otherwise have access to outside of reading from a third party business report. Both these requirements were met – by Lego!
Considering Thinkific just hired Integrate Play Solutions for corporate training because their staff wanted the Lego, there must be something to it.
I hope you enjoy my Pitch and Venture Report and I welcome your feedback!
Elevator Pitch https://youtu.be/gmkNWtCBxRI
Venture Pitch https://youtu.be/jqOuDjncxQs
Sounds neat! I will be back to review once you are up and running!
Hi, Sarka!
I thought it could be viewed if I shared the link, but I apparently need your email for you to view. I did it this way as the company exists, but I am not the CEO or Head of Learning as I present myself in the videos!
Please send your email to alice.sk.sin@gmail.com to be given permission to view.
Hi, Sarka,
I’ve uploaded the videos as Unlisted on Youtube, so please try now. Let me know if you still cannot view
Hi Alice,
Your YouTube videos seem to be set to private and not viewable. I assume the rendering has finished as I didn’t see the links to the videos on Sunday night.
Hi, Yannick,
I’ve uploaded the videos on Youtube as unlisted – let me know if it sill does not work
Hi, Yannick!
I thought it could be viewed if I shared the link, but I apparently need your email for you to view. I did it this way as the company exists, but I am not the CEO or Head of Learning as I present myself in the videos!
Please email me alice.sk.sin@gmail.com to be given permission to view.
Hi Alice,
I am very glad to see everything worked out for you and you were able to post successfully. I really liked your pitch and I was really glad to see another pitch for a learning technology designed for the markets outside the K-18 sector. I see a tremendous opportunity here. Before working at UBC I was a management trainer in Tokyo and we used a number of experiential learning tools to liven up our training workshops but your system brings a whole new list possibilities like remote team building, executive training and rehabilitation. Your business proposal seems solid and the timing for Spatial.IO is perfect. If I were an investor I would like to hear a bit more about competitor and/or possible threats from similar technologies. For example is anyone using Minecraft Earth as an AR integrated play solution. I checked and I didn’t see anything maybe there is another opportunity?
All in all great job Alice!
Thank you for your feedback, Jamie! And yes, although I have tutored K-18, my area is in corporate training / adult education, so I do feel my venture is a bit off the beaten path.
With regards to competition, in my research, I found Spatial.io compared to Immersed, and Minecraft is in there as well.
Spatio.io allows for meetings / collaborative work while Immersed puts the individual in a VR environment of their choosing helping to make work-at-home better psychologically and helps with focus. I believe you can be in meetings with others, but it’s not its primary purpose. The ability to collaborate is what I was looking for specifically with the platform I chose.
Minecraft would be a great team-building tool – assign a group a village to build and see what they make, how they work to ward off hostile Mobs, etc. The only issue is some will be more versed with Minecraft and gaming in general, and while teaching team members would be part of team-building, I’m imagining only a few would end up doing most of the building/decision-making/defending while others looked on. Also, when you build, its digital, not tactile and the tactile, kinesthetic experience is what I wanted to keep particularly to break up Zoom fatigue.
So while AR/VR options are rapidly being added to the marketplace, few solve the problem of keeping the physical experience of an activity – like Lego building – and allowing this experience to be shared virtually for team-building and collaboration – Spatial.io so far has come the closest.
Hi Alice,
I love this idea! It reminds me of the George Bernard Shaw quote: “We don’t stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.”
Your pitch is very eloquent and easy to follow. You used great visuals (including yourself!) and you lay out a clear plan for this venture. I reeled at your fact-drop about the economic cost of depression. If we ever needed more joy in our work, now certainly seems to be it! Thank you for sharing!