Clorama Dorvilias, Debias VR – original post by Mel January 30 2020

I really appreciate that Clorama based her company on her own experience as well as a gap she saw. Her company also really resonates with me as I am interested in the area of persuasive technologies as a tool for social justice – specifically the use of AR. I appreciate that Clorama aims her tool at schools as these students are future workers, but we need to look at existing workplaces as well. I encourage you to read the original reviews under Mel’s post (linked above) as they speak to the very creative entrepreneurial approach Clorama took.

( Average Rating: 4 )

One response to “Clorama Dorvilias, Debias VR – original post by Mel January 30 2020”

  1. tiffany ku

    Clorama is a wonderful addition to the founders parade. She has an intensely diverse academic background, a stronger determination as an entrepreneur, and the deepest commitment for social justice. I loved reading about her story and how everything she is doing stems from her own experiences and struggles. I know for a fact that she has empowered so many women of colour and inspired so many lives through her work.

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