EduHelp is a software company I founded to improve the quality of education for students by streamlining the field of Special Education to utilize our most important resource, teachers, more efficiently at a minimal cost. We are ultimately committed to global expansion, which will proceed after establishing ourselves in British Columbia and Canada as a whole. Check out my elevator and venture pitch below, please feel free to comment:)
A3 Venture Pitch: EduHelp
8 responses to “A3 Venture Pitch: EduHelp”
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Hi Analesa,
Thanks for your venture pitch. I completely agree that support for special needs education is really important as it addresses a huge equity need. I did not really get a sense of the venture from the elevator pitch apart from that it is focused on special education and assertive technology. Although I can see the intention of EduHelp to me it seems to be an LMS specifically aimed at schools in BC. This immediately creates a barrier as you need to get the BC government to invest and provide the platform to schools. This is not to take away from the need for the product, I am just not sure that targeting school districts as a customer will make it a successful venture. Is there a way to a make it a smaller scale ‘app-based’ platform which individual schools or teachers can use? I completely empathize with wanting to focus on equity in schools, but the reality is resources are thin!
Thanks for your feedback Siobhan, one of my limitations in my reflection was not highlighting enough of what EduHelp can do in my venture pitch. I’m not sure if you had a chance to look at Our target audience includes Special Education Software Developers, Research, Potential Investors, Regulatory Bodies, and Others. I can see where that could have been misleading on my end. In my efforts to portray what teachers are facing, I may have lead viewers to believe that teachers and schools were the sole target audience. One of the motivating factors that drove me to pitch EduHelp was directly related to the use of resources in schools. I have attended some interesting Professional Development, including a few by Shelley Moore, where the idea of using resources within schools more efficiently seems to be gaining momentum. From what I have seen in my career so far, I completely agree with you that resources are thin. My hope for EduHelp was to minimize the daily inefficiencies we experience as classroom and specialist teachers in relation to Special Education.
Hello, Analesa. Thanks for sharing this information with your company that assists children with special needs. I really enjoy the design of your entire website that makes it simple for viewers to find what they’re looking for. The current special needs market is certainly vast, however, I may pay more attention to the key profit models of startup companies as a potential investor. I noticed on the reflection page that you mentioned a large profit return in 5-7 years, but I couldn’t find any relevant analysis on the prior pages. If you’ve already calculated the rate of return, it’s a good idea to include it on your website, since this will make your company more appealing to potential investors. Thank you for sharing.
Thanks for you feedback Meghan, You do make some valid points, I really appreciate it!
Hi Analesa, first, I have to that I am very impressed with your work, you just finished an in depth OER on your own, and then this inept venture project. Well done. I really liked how in-dept, yet succinct, elevator pitch. It was great seeing the visuals of statistics. It really helped me remember the main points. For the venture, the Special Education Management system is a great idea. The issue is having all of these documents in many different places. Most importantly, having all the communication in one place. Communication between parents, teachers, EAs, and learning resource can be very cumbersome. It would be nice to streamline communication. I also like the brief comparison with the other major and emerging players. Well done. If I was an investor, I’d invest! – Mark
Thank you, Mark! I appreciate your thorough feedback 🙂
Hi Analesa,
Great work on venture pitch, and I like the Edu help idea. I appreciate that you clearly stated the problem, solution and the ask. You are seeking an initial investment of $1m, and you anticipate to start making money in the 5th year. I wonder what the projected revenue would be. I think most venture capitalist are interested in the return on investment, and this information will be helpful in securing an investor. Moreover, what is in it for an investor? I am also interested in knowing how much stake an investor will be getting for $1m. It is a lot of money you know? Anyway, great work on your venture pitch and good luck.
Your website looked great and had plenty text animations for interest. Overall the presentation was strong.