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David Rogier, Founder and CEO of MasterClass

David Rogier, Founder and CEO of MasterClass

MasterClass is a subscription based online streaming platform of video lessons. The defining feature of MasterClass is the quality (and star power) of its “teachers”, all of whom are successful and well-known in their respective fields. Some of MasterClass’s taglines include “Learn from the Best” and “They changed the world. Now you.”, drawing heavily on […] – Sebastian Laxell – Sebastian Laxell – Sebastian Laxell Whiteboard is an interactive whiteboard space designed to give students their own space to explore learning as designed by the instructor. The instructor has full visibility of each students’ work and can use it as formative assessment, and can also make it available to view for other students. The platform allows […]

AJ Gregory – Founder and CTO of Screencast-O-Matic

AJ Gregory – Founder and CTO of Screencast-O-Matic

Screencast-O-Matic is a screen capture and video creation platform used by more than 9 million around the world. It provides easy to use video tools that enable educators, business professionals and individuals to create recordings and videos. Videos can be used for learning, collaboration, and communication. Screencast-O-Matic’s video tools are easy to and affordable. Intuitive […]

Michelle Sun – Founder and CEO of First Code Academy

Michelle Sun – Founder and CEO of First Code Academy

“Coding is like a third language. It expands your perspective of the world,” Michelle Sun Company and Founder Background: Founded in 2013, First Code Academy is an education startup based in Hong Kong that teaches young children to code and create their own apps. Through their 1 to 1 online classes, the company has taught […]

Kim Antoniou- Founder of Fonetti and Auris Tech.

Kim Antoniou, Chief Executive and Founder of Auris Tech /Founder of Fonetti, a voice-recognition reading app for children and dyslexic children. The Fonetti app allows children to read aloud with the software highlighting the words the read correctly green and if they have trouble they can double tap them to hear how they are read. […]

Mursal Hedayat – Founder and CEO of Chatterbox

By brian ham on February 2, 2020 Mursal Hedayat – Founder and CEO of Chatterbox Mursal Hedayat is an award-winning entrepreneur with a unique story and motivation for creating her company Chatterbox. Originally from Kabul, Afghanistan, she arrived in the UK as a refugee at the age of 3 with her mom, who was a civil engineer. […]