2 responses to “A1 turned A3: Equitable Access and Raspberry Pi”

  1. cindy keung

    Thanks for this, Brendan! I LOVE recommending Raspberry Pi to my students, especially the kids who love machine building and learning. I find some of their products a bit pricey. The most “kiddish” sibling would be Kiwi Co which is also a bit pricey. I hope they can make their products a bit more affordable for the average income family who may have a child or children interested in purchasing their products.

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  2. Marie Finch

    Well done Brendan. I think access to the internet is one of the greatest equalizers we can implement. Geographic disparity greatly influences what people can access through availability of devices and internet connection. I know a number of school districts are aiming for one to one access. I think your venture gives a real world solution for school districts to implement. You broke down the numbers into easy to understand values, which allowed us to see the cost per product. I know, for example, some school districts in Manitoba are one to one, where they put the cost of the technology (Chromes) onto the families. Families can have a payment plan (as little as a 1$ a month) or they can also apply to have it covered entirely. The school districts that I have been exposed to have been dominated by Google and so I do see it hard to breakaway from products that integrate so easily with the Suite of products that those districts implement. All School Districts are interested in cost benefits so in the end I think that will win out. Two things came to mind when reading your Venture: one the low cost allows for a quicker upgrade to devices as they are outdated so fast, and two you included Professional Development, which is essential for a wholesale modernization of teaching practices. Time to develop and implement curriculum is in such a limited supply, so to get by in, so the technology gets used is essential, so that dust you referred to, doesn’t collect.

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