Pitch Pool – Quizizz

Another online education platform but Quizizz offers a slightly different format for delivering online education. On Quizizz, teachers can utilize gamified teaching in their courses and assess their student’s comprehension of the topic through interactive quizzes. This tool can also be used outside of the educational context. For instance, employers can set up quizzes for onboarding employees to assess their understanding of the new workplace. Would you like to give it a try at your workplace?

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One response to “Pitch Pool – Quizizz”

  1. sam

    With this presentation, I had to restart the video. I noticed that I was more than 1-minute into the video and was never actually told what the product was. The presenter did state the name but not what it was. I think it is important to have that first line that grabs the audience and then to go directly into the who, what, where… Basically it is “what’s the bottom line”. I think that is missing. I feel then that is makes you feel like the concept has not been fully and clearly mapped out even though they are very passionate about the idea and use personal anecdotes. I would not invest in this.

    ( 0 upvotes and 0 downvotes )

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