A3 Venture Pitch – LearnTo
Hi all, please view the following link to my elevation pitch as well as my venture pitch on the online tutoring application “LearnTo”.Looking forward to hearing your thoughts! 🙂 https://sites.google.com/view/learnto-venture-pitch/elevation-pitch
Analyst Report – Mentimeter
Find my analysis here: https://sites.google.com/view/etec522analystreport/overview
Dylan Field – Co-founder and CEO of Figma
Venture Description: Figma is a cloud-based design tool that allows team collaborative designs. Similar to many other online design tool in functionality and features, Figma simplifies the tools and design process but more productive and effective than other programs at helping designers to work collaboratively and efficiently. Figma is founded by Dylan Field, who is […]
Pitch Pool – Quizizz
Another online education platform but Quizizz offers a slightly different format for delivering online education. On Quizizz, teachers can utilize gamified teaching in their courses and assess their student’s comprehension of the topic through interactive quizzes. This tool can also be used outside of the educational context. For instance, employers can set up quizzes for […]
Hello there!
Hello everyone! My name is Michelle and nice to meet everyone here! Took me some time to figure out my way here and sorry for being late to the course and to the introduction. I am originally from Hong Kong but growing up in Vancouver since high school. This course marks the halfway point of […]