“Changing the way the world learns at work”
Darren Winterford, Founder & CEO at EdApp (via Linkedin)

Founder: Darren Winterford
Darren Winterford is the Founder and CEO of EdApp, ” a cloud-based training platform dedicated to offering innovative, low-cost, mobile-first learning to workplaces across the globe” (Winterford, Linkedin).
Winterford is a graduate of the University of Technology in Syndney, Australia. Winterford is a “passionate leader with a global perspective and a lifelong dedication to driving better training outcomes, incorporating the latest technology to achieve results, and changing the world for the better” (Winterford, Linkedin).
Winterford started his career working in Marketing and “saw an opportunity to help create [great digital products]” (Hao 2021).
Darren and his team are passionate about creating an amazing mobile learning tool, and it is evident when you hear him speak that he is passionate about microlearning, and making learning tools accessible to anyone, anywhere. You can listen to his interview on the popular podcast: People at Work.

Venture: EdApp
I am excited to introduce you to EdApp, it is an eLearning creator and LMS all in one! With it’s creator tool, you can “create content in minutes” choosing from more than 80 templates. You can use customize the content and “deliver and optimize content in real time” (edapp.com). You can track completions and engagement all in one place. EdApp is a mobile-first learning tool, so you can train your workplace on the go.
EdApp is focused on microlearning, delivering the knowledge in “bite-sized” segments (edapp.com). It includes gamification features, achievements, leaderboards, prizes, and certificates to incentivize learners to complete their training quickly.
EdApp includes social features to engage learners through discussions and video conferencing.
Best of all, you can create an account and start creating, for free!
Thanks for sharing Emma! Winterford is a great fonder to explore! I found it interesting that he had his start in the marketing of “fast-moving consumer goods” (Hao 2021), which seems so far from the field of education. It was in identifying the gap in workplace education that he subsequently explored microlearning and created this product. A reminder that innovation can come from anywhere!
Hi Emma, thanks for sharing! I think that the founder represents a strong role model for would-be entrepreneurs. I think it’s really interesting that he is both an entrepreneur and a CEO, as our readings discussed how difficult and rare that is. Perhaps his roots in marketing rather than education helps him to see the full picture of the venture more effectively, both in terms of seeing the unfulfilled need that prompted EdApp from a perspective informed by different fields and in understanding how his role needs to be dynamic from ideas to implementation to keep being a key player.