Analyst Report – No Red Ink

In my work as a middle school classroom teacher, one of the most challenging aspects of Language Arts instruction has been providing students with ways to practice specific grammar, spelling and writing concepts, based on the feedback I give them on their assignments. Differentiated instruction is key when teaching writing skills, especially with the inclusive model of education being used in BC schools, where you have an incredibly broad range of writing skills in a single classroom. I started using No Red Ink because it allowed students to practice writing skills geared for their individual level and provided a fun and engaging learning experience by adapting the sample sentences to student interests. Additionally, it provided high quality excepts from books for students to read and novel paragraph writing activities. I was impressed with what a practical resource No Red Ink was from a teacher standpoint, as it allowed me to track student mastery of topics and assign different content to each student depending on what they needed to improve on.

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