A1: Venture Analysis – SaskCode

Please follow the link to my analysis of SaskCode, a non-profit venture of the Saskatoon Industry Education Council and with support from industry and the federal CanCode program.


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One response to “A1: Venture Analysis – SaskCode”

  1. Simon Worley

    Great job highlighting the benefits and areas of growth for SaskCode, Douglas. As potential investors, could you theoretically see this program expanding outside of the province and possibly to other provinces or states? You address that it’s limited to Saskatoon due to the government funding, but as you dove deep into the organization, do you think it has the legs to work in other places? You did note that it needs to focus more on assessment tools and “it has little to no focus” on AI in its current iteration. We have a robotics branch in our school and I could see this being of value. With the right tweaks this non-profit venture could look to be profitable!

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