Classrooms of the Future

In future classrooms, AI tutors will act as personal learning companions, adapting lessons to individual needs and paces. Micro-credentials earned through adaptive learning modules will showcase specific skills, empowering students to build personalized pathways, all guided by insightful learning analytics that illuminate strengths and areas for growth.
Future classrooms may not be physical classrooms at all. We hope to see online learning platforms dissolving geographical barriers, adaptive learning catering to diverse needs (including those with learning disabilities), Open Educational Resources (OERs) offering free, high-quality materials, and collaborative efforts by corporations and non-profits bridging the digital divide to bring technology access to all.
In future (digital or digitally enhanced) classrooms, robust privacy and security measures will be crucial, not just to protect sensitive student data, but also to foster trust and a sense of safety essential for open exploration and collaboration within the digital learning environment. This foundation of trust will unlock the full potential of technology-driven learning, empowering students to become responsible digital citizens.
In future classrooms, immersive experiences and games won’t be distractions, but gateways to deeper understanding. Imagine students virtually exploring the Great Wall of China or dissecting a virtual frog, solidifying abstract concepts through interactive, unforgettable journeys.

  1. Personalization
    Adaptive Learning
    More advanced adaptive learning technologies will provide real-time feedback and dynamically adjust the learning path based on a student’s progress. These systems might use artificial intelligence and machine learning to continuously adapt to individual learning styles, strengths, and weaknesses.
    AI-driven Personalized Tutoring
    Personal AI tutors offer a world of possibilities for students. Imagine a tireless, patient companion who tailors lessons to your unique strengths and weaknesses, offering instant feedback and customized practice exercises. This personalized approach not only boosts understanding and confidence, but also cultivates a love for learning fueled by constant, encouraging support.
    Blockchain and Micro-Credentials
    Micro-credentials combined with blockchain technology unlock a future where learning is bite-sized, relevant, and instantly verifiable. Learners will be acquiring specific, in-demand skills through flexible, short courses, then showcasing them on a secure, tamper-proof digital record. This combination empowers learners to build personalized skill portfolios, while employers gain transparency and trust in verifying qualifications.
    • Data Analytics for Intervention
    Predictive analytics can help identify students at risk of falling behind and enable early intervention. By analyzing data on student performance and behavior, educators can provide targeted support to prevent academic challenges before they escalate.
  2. Accessibility and Equity
    Online Learning
    The continued development and widespread use of online learning platforms will allow people from diverse backgrounds and locations to access educational resources. These platforms can provide affordable or even free courses, making education more accessible to those who may face financial barriers.
    • Adaptive Learning (again)
    For students with learning difficulties, adaptive learning can be a game-changer. Firstly, it provides personalized questions that automatically adjust to their individual pace and understanding, ensuring they neither get frustrated by being left behind nor bored by repetitive tasks. Secondly, it offers targeted support by identifying areas where they struggle and offering additional resources or alternative explanations. This tailored approach builds confidence and empowers them to overcome challenges. Finally, adaptive learning fosters independent learning by giving students choice and control over their learning path, increasing their sense of agency and motivation to succeed.
    The availability of open educational resources, such as free textbooks, lectures, and course materials, can reduce the cost of education. You are reading an OER right now about growing trends in future classrooms. OER allows learners to access quality content without the need for expensive textbooks, fostering greater equity in educational opportunities.
    • Corporate and Nonprofit Initiatives
    Collaboration between private corporations, nonprofits, and educational institutions can lead to the development of initiatives that support education in underserved communities. Corporate social responsibility programs and philanthropic efforts can contribute to making education more equitable.
  3. Privacy/Security
    • Privacy
    Artificial Intelligence (AI) is allowing classrooms of the future to become fast and adaptive. However, concerns for students’ privacy in the classroom of the future are a growing concern. As stated in the 2023 Horizon Report, as artificial intelligence and its use of data has grown in learning and the classroom, machine learning has become increasingly prevalent in analyzing and using student data (2023). In a classroom of the future, the digital privacy of the students and one’s own needs to be thought about and planned for.
    As classrooms of the future become more digital, so does the need for more security. The 2023 Horizon Report shares the importance of being secure online with the increasing presence of new artificial intelligence tools being used (2023).
  4. Technology Tools
    Virtual Reality
    With the classrooms of the future changing, there are schools embracing Virtual Reality (VR) to allow students to experience learning in an immersive way. Experts say it is versatile (can be used in any academic subject or field of study), it can be accessed from anywhere, and the students retain knowledge of the lesson.
    • Augmented Reality
    Florian Radke, communications expert for Meta, talks about Augmented Reality (AR) being not just “a toy” but a powerful tool. A powerful tool that, when used right, can be the next great technological innovation in education. He theorizes that, like some movies, one day we may all be surrounded by digital 3D models that we interact with, but in a learning context.
    Game Based Learning
    Digital game-based learning has the potential to transform education by making learning more immersive and engaging, leading to higher motivation and curiosity in students. Through interactive simulations and challenges embedded within video games, students can hone their problem-solving skills in a way that feels stimulating rather than tedious.

With a projected market growth of 34% annually (Grandview AI in Education Report), Artificial Intelligence is poised to become a dominant force in education, transforming classrooms with personalized learning, intelligent tutoring, and immersive experiences, shaping the future of how students learn and engage with knowledge.
The Holoniq Global Education report lists Artificial Intelligence as the number one educational trend in terms of ‘Hype’, ‘Likelyhood’ and ‘Impact’. Many of the growth areas we highlighted will have ventures strongly supported by AI, including AI tutors, adaptive learning programs, data analytics, and games/simulations.

  1. Classrooms of the Future OER – created by Daniel Edwards and Braden Holt
  2. Classrooms of the Future OER – created by Liana Ranallo and Raquel Torres

• Educause. (2023). Horizon report: Holistic Student Experience Edition. Retrieved from
• (
• Figueroa-Flores, J. F. (2016). Gamification and Game-Based Learning: Two Strategies for the 21st Century Learner ( World Journal of Educational Research, 3(2), 507-522.
• Wong, B.Tm., Li, K.C. A review of learning analytics intervention in higher education (2011–2018). J. Comput. Educ. 7, 7–28 (2020).

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