Opportunity Forecast on Assistive Technology

This week we will be thinking about the future of assistive technology. What will assistive technology look like in the future? Who will use it? How will it relate to other education trends such as UDL? What are the opportunities and what are the challenges? Our main thesis is that assistive technology is moving away […]

A1. Analyst Report – Plickers

Hi everyone – I chose to take a deep dive into Plickers, a formative assessment tool. https://sites.google.com/view/a1analyst-plickers/home?authuser=0

Hi ETEC 522 :)

Hi ETEC 522 :)

Hi everyone! I’m Danielle, a Junior High Diverse Learning Teacher from Calgary, Alberta. ETEC 522 will be my seventh course so far, and I’m really excited about it! I have a strong interest in exploring and implementing emerging technologies that enhance teacher efficacy and provide authentic learning experiences, particularly for students with unique educational or […]