Constructive Suggestions…

It was a pleasure working with you all this term. I really enjoy MET courses as they allow us to learn from each other, work collaboratively and share insights on a variety of topics in our field.

As a suggestion for improving participation in future cohorts, I think having a greater opportunity to work with each other would be beneficial. I like that there is one large group project that we work towards completing all term long, however I think that our elevator and venture pitches could be worked on in pairs or perhaps we could be partnered up to critique each other’s pitches before publishing them to the forum. I understand that this would mean getting things done sooner, but I think it would be a good way to keep us on track as well.

Additionally, to encourage greater participation in the Emerging Market Analysis OERs, I think that each EMT could be required to participate in three other OER Weeks. This way the level of contribution to the OERs would be of greater value and and the participation would be guaranteed. Another way to garner greater participation would be to allow OERs to run for 1.5 week; where one OER is on the verge of finishing, the other gets going. I had this experience in one of my other courses this term and I found that having those extra 2-3 days really helped in allowing me to make more significant contributions.

I wish all of you all the best for the remainder of your MET. I have two more terms left in the program so hope to see some familiar faces in the fall!

Sheza Naqi


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