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  • sheza 12:26 am on August 5, 2012
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    It was a pleasure working with you all this term. I really enjoy MET courses as they allow us to learn from each other, work collaboratively and share insights on a variety of topics in our field. As a suggestion for improving participation in future cohorts, I think having a greater opportunity to work with […]

    Continue reading Constructive Suggestions… Posted in: Uncategorized
    • gillian 10:27 am on August 5, 2012 | Log in to Reply

      Your suggestions for increasing participation in the OERs make a good deal of sense. Many of the groups offered significant content that needed to be reviewed before participation of any value could be made. I found in some cases this took a considerable amount of time leaving me until near the end of the week before I could reply and respond to the comments of others. By allowing a little more time for each might help alleviate some of that pressure.

    • Danielle Dubien 9:51 pm on August 5, 2012 | Log in to Reply

      Hi Sheza and Meggan,
      I agree that 3 extra days to deal with each OER would have been very useful. Often, it seemed that just as discussions were warming up, the week was ending. Having two overlapping OERs at any time would be manageable.

    • Danielle Dubien 9:59 pm on August 5, 2012 | Log in to Reply

      Oops, I meant Gillian instead of Meggan. I mixed up my team mates.

  • sheza 9:34 pm on July 29, 2012
    0 votes

    Hi! I’m Sheza Naqi, an experienced ESL teacher and CEO of FREESL Blogging. Watch our 1 minute Elevator Pitch to get a sense of this venture in educational technology: Participating in an online language learning community is a good way for ESL students to improve speaking and writing skills. FREESL Blogging allows English Language Learners […]

    Continue reading FREESL Blogging – A Blogging Community Exclusively for ELLs Posted in: Venture Forum
    • Jody McKinnon 3:08 pm on July 30, 2012 | Log in to Reply

      HI Sheza. I appreciate your enthusiasm for this venture. I think it is a great idea to try and link ELL learners together and your idea is one worth pursuing. However, I’m confused by the title of your venture FREESL when in reality, you’re hoping for about half of the users to pay, so then in the end, it’s not really free? I wonder if this would confuse or frustrate users and drive away potential customers. Your elevator pitch is quite well done and your Prezi is very detailed.

      In the end, while the idea is intriguing, I’m not sure that I’m ready to invest at this time. Good luck!

      • sheza 8:13 am on August 2, 2012 | Log in to Reply

        Dear Jody,

        Thanks so much for your valuable feedback. The title FREESL is not meant to be confusing; the primary service is blogging and this will remain a free service on the site. The additional pay-features are available to enhance the language learning and are completely optional to the user. We are expecting that the users of this site would be interested in pursuing their goal of fluency in English, therefore they are likely to opt-in for the service if they can afford it; and it is quite affordable!

        Hopefully this pricing plan will not frustrate customers as there are many sites where the initial or main service is free with some optional features available for purchase as add-ons. Even Prezi works in this way.

        I would hope to be able to convince you to invest at a more in-depth meeting where we could discuss the venture further 🙂



    • Ronna Hoglund 5:40 pm on July 30, 2012 | Log in to Reply

      Hi Sheza,
      Thank you for allowing me to view your pitches! Your personal connection in the elevator pitach drew me in so that I was interested in viewing your prezi. Perhaps I missed your “ask”? But I think this is a viable venture and I would invest. I am quite used to working with tools (e.g. Voicethread) that allows some capabilites for FREE and demands $ for “extras”.
      All the best,

      • sheza 8:14 am on August 2, 2012 | Log in to Reply

        Dear Ronna,

        Thanks for your positive feedback. It is very encouraging! The ask was indicated in the venture pitch: $1,000,000 over two years.

        Thanks again,


    • dmcinnes 11:40 pm on July 30, 2012 | Log in to Reply

      Thanks for sharing your pitches. Both were excellent! During your elevator pitch I was thinking “you must have done this before”. I became totally intrigued. Your Prezi was also excellent, and I thought that was a great way/tool to present your venture. Though I feel you might have some real competition with social network tools already available, I could see this service being very beneficial to adult ELL students. I’d invest,if not for the idea, but your professionalism and enthusiasm!
      Super Job!
      David McInnes

      • sheza 8:32 am on August 2, 2012 | Log in to Reply

        Hi David,

        Thanks so much for your encouraging feedback! I haven’t actually done this before, but I really enjoyed it!
        I agree that the social networking competition is heavy in today’s market but that this does offer something different than your typical Facebook type site in giving ELLs a safe place to practice their language skills in order to become more comfortable with publicly tweeting or Facebooking!

        Thanks again,


    • Brian H 9:53 am on July 31, 2012 | Log in to Reply


      Awesome elevator pitch, it definitely captured my attention as an investor to continue on to your venture pitch.

      I would be interested in your company for the sheer volume of traffic that it could generate. However, under the current fee structure I think a 50% pay rate is way higher than what is possible and that an Ad revenue stream may be more realistic. With that said a micro-fee structure you have proposed may have opportunity to work along side with Ads.

      Another worry is competitors (social networks) could adapt your features (paid native speakers) and could cut into your clientele especially with large scale ad driven revenue systems.

      Clearly there is risk funding this project until it hits critical mass. Staff, network and marketing costs will put pressure on generating revenue at a scale that is sustainable. However, If the user population peaks– so could returns on the initial investment.

      Great Job,

      • sheza 8:34 am on August 2, 2012 | Log in to Reply

        Hi Brian,

        Thanks for the feedback 🙂 I can understand your concern about the 50% pay rate, however, at that rate the investor is getting 100% ROI, and so even witha lower subscription level to our paid features we are looking at generating some viable revenue.

        I had not thought about using an Ad revenue stream but you are right – that would be an excellent way to break even at the get go while we wait for the user base to build.

        Thanks for your suggestions!


    • Yves Mainville 11:38 am on July 31, 2012 | Log in to Reply

      Great presentation Sheza!
      Your presentation is VERY slick and well done… I liked how dynamic it is.
      Very engaged and you cover off most of the questions I had during the presentation.
      My biggest concern is with the possible competitors and platforms. I wouldn’t want to lose the uniqueness of the concept. I would want to discuss that further before investing, but the plan, the enthusiasm and the passion are definite sellers.

      Well done!

      • sheza 8:21 pm on August 4, 2012 | Log in to Reply

        Hi Yves! Thanks for the positive feedback.
        The competition is there but I would hope that our idea is unique enough that we can capture a good chunk of the market off the get-go.
        I would love to show you a business plan to secure your investment 🙂
        Thanks again,

    • Dave Horn 12:28 pm on August 1, 2012 | Log in to Reply

      Hi Sheza,
      I agree, this was a great presentation both for you elevator pitch and your venture pitch. You have a well researched and developed market concept and I like the idea of starting people off with free-services and then providing extra pay-features. Paying your native english speakers also means you can control the quality of the support and respond to your customers. Would you plan to have a feedback component from the ESL learners in order to monitor how they are doing and what things are working well or not?
      While I still have a few questions I would want to see your venture plan for implementation and I would be interested in investing.


      • sheza 8:25 pm on August 4, 2012 | Log in to Reply

        Hi Dave!

        Thank you for the feedback. Yes I think an opportunity for feedback from our users would be an excellent way to ensure that our services are meeting their needs. This could take the form of an online user-survey or having users rate their Paid Native English Speakers. Thanks for the suggestion.

        Let’s set up a meeting to discuss the business plan soon. Hope to count you as an investor! 😉

        Sheza Naqi

    • mariefrancehetu 6:49 pm on August 1, 2012 | Log in to Reply

      Hello Sheza,

      I am totally impressed with both your elevator pitch and your venture pitch. Both are very effective and professional. It actually looks as if a professional company did them for you. Kudos!
      I had no idea you could do all of that with a Prezi – I don’t know how long it took you to do your presentation, but you have successfully covered every base of your venture. I was especially impressed with your projections for your venture – really well researched indeed! As an ESL teacher, I can see how such a venture could work and I would certainly invest in your company!

      The only thing I might change is the title ‘FREESL’, I feel it advertises the company falsely, as it is essentially a paying service with some free elements to it.

      Congratulations on a job well done!


      • sheza 8:28 pm on August 4, 2012 | Log in to Reply

        Hi Marie-France,

        Thank you for your vote of confidence! I appreciate your positive feedback. Prezis are great – really fun to make and I find they do a great job of breaking down your information in a manageable way for the viewer to take in.

        I appreciate your feedback regarding the title – although I would hope it wouldn’t turn users off; essentially it is a way to catch their attention and bring them onto the site, but it does not do so falsely as indeed the Blogging service offered is completely free!

        Thanks again,

        Sheza Naqi

    • Hussain Luaibi 8:34 pm on August 1, 2012 | Log in to Reply

      Hello Sheza
      Splendid! I like your Prezi and youtube. The topic you are dealing with is great as well. Blogging has become one of the essential educational features of our age. Exploring this field is great and has future in the market. I am sure your venture will be attract investors.
      The question I have is the same which voiced by other classmates : you call it Free but it is not so. Or probably you wanted to do what some companies are doing theses days, they say “free” but they charge the users of their products. When they are asked how come you mentioned it is free, they usually say it is “free” to download the software but not to use it.
      As for me personally , business in blogging is not tempting. I feel the market is depleted. So I wouldn’t invest in such a project.
      You did a great job

      • sheza 8:32 pm on August 4, 2012 | Log in to Reply

        Hi Hussain,

        Thanks for your feedback. I thought FREESL Blogging was a catchy and dynamic name for the company but it is not just for show – the blogging service on the site is indeed free of charge. There are additional pay features also available but these are optional of course.

        Thanks again,


    • Sherman Lee 11:20 pm on August 1, 2012 | Log in to Reply

      Hello Sheza,

      Please give yourself a pat on the back for the great elevator pitch. It was very professionally done and I think your enthusiasm for ESL and ELL came through splendidly. I am move as an instructor by your talk as I know how important it is for ELL to socialize, having been one myself.

      As an investor, I would love to have seen a bit more of your value proposition in the elevator pitch, which, I thought was lacking. However, as I have said, your enthusiasm moved me so much that I wanted to watch on.

      I think your idea has a great potential there, but as with many social media, you will need a immense marketing budget to jump start it in this market that you already said is saturated with resources which sends users spinning. Sustainment is also very key to your success in the future.

      I am not quite sold on your product based on the fact that I am not sure how you will capture your free user’s attention to become paid users. This is beyond what the paid structure could do (which I like, it was a great sustainment strategy). How would you let them know how great of a difference it would make to be a paid user versus a free user? Will there be free trials?

      Another thing that I worry about is the uniqueness of your proposal. What is preventing me from taking your idea and doing the same? (yes I’d be a big jerk if I do that, but that is what happens in the business world).

      (Man this role playing is tough, I need to watch more Dragons Den to do it!!) Good luck with your venture, Sheza! I think you have a good start, polish it and it might be just be gold 🙂



      • sheza 8:37 pm on August 4, 2012 | Log in to Reply

        Hi Sherman!

        Thanks for the positive feedback. I think that you raise some great questions – it would indeed be a great idea to offer some free trials of the paid features to hook new users. Another idea is that those who sign on for this service are dedicated learners looking for that online resource that does more than the other ‘freebie’ sites in abundance offer.
        I can also understand the competition concern – someone could indeed put up another social networking site offering the same services but there is something to be said for brand loyalty when it comes to where you do your socializing. I find that if there were another Facebook type site to come along I would be hard-pressed to switch over, considering my entire social network was already developed on the existing site.

        Hopefully sitting down with you to discuss my complete business plan can secure your investment!

        Thanks again Sherman,

        Sheza Naqi

    • Kenton Hemsing 7:24 am on August 2, 2012 | Log in to Reply

      Hi Sheza,
      You have put together a fantastic elevator pitch and caught my attention with your enthusiasm and knowledge of the subject you are presenting. I do have some concerns with your product before I would fully invest in your venture.

      Firstly, it seems that there might be a lot of competition for services like this. I know some of the big names in ESL learning (or language learning in general) offer services why users can speak with native speakers. Rosetta Stone offers this with a paid subscription to their services. I like the idea of including the social networking aspect, but how will users know when they have reached a level of competency that will begin to open doors for them? Are there assessments and feedback for users, or is it just a place where users can practice?

      Personally, I think that an estimate of 50% of users enrolling in the paid options for the blog is a little high as most would probably continue with the free version. I like the idea of extras that people can pay for, but I think that less than half will pay for services.

      All in all, I really like the idea of your venture and if I truly were an investor, would be willing to talk with you more about your plans and the future of FREESL.

      Great work,

      • sheza 8:41 pm on August 4, 2012 | Log in to Reply

        Hi Kenton,

        Thanks for the feedback. I think your idea of having competency tests online as part of the package is an interesting one although originally I had envisioned the site to be like a social networking sandbox for ELLs who might want a place to have their blogs/tweets edited before publishing them on their main social networking sites such as Facebook or Twitter for all the world to see.
        I think that even if we have fewer members who subscribe for the pay features we would be in a good position as a venture to invest in, considering that at 50% subscribers we are looking at 100% ROI.

        Thanks and look forward to sitting down with you to discuss our complete business plan!

        Sheza Naqi

    • mackenzie 4:51 pm on August 2, 2012 | Log in to Reply

      Good work. The elevator pitch made me want to know more about your product, which says a lot since the topic itself it not a focus of mine. Your visuals made me believe that you product was fun and interactive.

      • sheza 8:42 pm on August 4, 2012 | Log in to Reply

        Dear Mackenzie,

        Thanks for your interest in the venture and the positive feedback 🙂


  • sheza 4:00 pm on June 2, 2012
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    Tags: robotics   

    CEO and Founder Bruno Maisonnier of Aldebaran Robotics, has been working with the development of personal robotics for 25 years. He believes that the NAO (pronounced “now”) robot is the face of the future. Since it’s difficult to build your own robot, Aldebarn Robotics has decided to offer the market a sufficiently performing robot, but […]

    Continue reading Bruno Maisonnier and Aldebaran Robotics Posted in: Week 04: Entrepreneur Bootcamp
    • karonw 4:14 pm on June 2, 2012 | Log in to Reply

      Hi Sheza,

      I have heard about these robots before but have actually never looked into the details of one. Thanks for sharing your post with us. I really liked their concept of using robots for therapies in helping autistic children.


    • Donna Forward 4:33 pm on June 2, 2012 | Log in to Reply

      Hello Sheza,

      It’s interesting to see that Bruno Maisonnier is considered the Bill Gates of France. Thanks for sharing the video. I love the scene when the one robot is pushed over by Bruno and he says “ouch”. Then the robot answers “Je ne suis pas un robot, je suis un assistant personnel”. It’s great to see that autistic children, handicapped people and the elderly can all benefit f rom the use of these robots. The autistic kids can relate to the robots where otherwise they can have difficulty with people. Also, Bruno mentions that the Korean government is starting to use the robots as teachers’ assistants to help teach English. Apparently, the robots aren’t judgemental, they just repeat what the students need to work on:)



  • sheza 10:40 am on May 20, 2012
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      I wish I had been introduced to the EDUCAUSE Learning Initiative’s 7 Things You Should Know About… series earlier! What a wonderful library of quick-read reports perfect for keeping educators abreast with what’s new, exciting and relevant on the educational technology scene.     As I browsed through the titles of the reports I […]

    Continue reading 7 Things I wish I knew before! Posted in: Uncategorized
    • lisamallen 8:48 pm on May 20, 2012 | Log in to Reply

      Hi Sheza,

      I like that you mention the format of the report as something that is important. I couldn’t agree more that an important part of any kind of report is that is easy to read and formatted in a functional format.



    • Claire Burgoyne 10:22 pm on May 20, 2012 | Log in to Reply

      Hi Sheza,

      I’m with you when it comes to bookmarking this site. It really is a you say, a library of reports providing a concise summary. Your suggestion to share this site with colleagues is a good one. When new learning technology is introduced it often answers only “What it is.” or “How it works.” A source that answers more of the questions educators ask is a valuable one.

    • karonw 10:48 pm on May 20, 2012 | Log in to Reply

      Hi Sheza,

      I found that this website to be very useful, as it has a lot of information and reports on all sorts of technology. Great idea to have it bookmarked 🙂


  • sheza 10:51 am on May 12, 2012
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    Hi everyone! Sorry for not being able to introduce myself earlier – my name is Sheza and I am from Markham, Ontario. This is my second term in the MET program and this is my fourth MET course, and one of three courses I am enrolled in this term. I am an Ontario Certified Teacher […]

    Continue reading Hi everyone! Sorry for not being able to… Posted in: Uncategorized
    • karonw 4:06 pm on May 12, 2012 | Log in to Reply

      Hi Sheza,

      Welcome to the MET program, I’m Karon. Similar to you my passion is also in education and technology as I came from a technology background. I look forward in learning with you! Goodluck with your studies.

      Karon Wong

    • Donna Forward 7:27 pm on May 12, 2012 | Log in to Reply

      Hello again Sheza!
      I’m also taking 3 courses this semester and was wondering whether I was crazy or not since I work full time. Which courses are you taking? I’m doing 511, 522 and 532.

      Good luck and congratulations on the job.



    • Hussain Luaibi 1:25 am on May 14, 2012 | Log in to Reply

      Hi Sheza
      Welcome to 522. I am sure with your passion to education and your present outlook to technology you will hear amazing ideas in the discussions that we will have in the coming weeks.
      Good luck

    • mackenzie 2:22 am on May 14, 2012 | Log in to Reply

      Hi Sheza,
      Great to see you again…we are also in 511 together this semester. Wow, you have an amazing and diverse background and I am looking forward to hearing your “voice” in the discussions. Hopefully we get a chance to work together!

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