Hi, Here are suggestions for improving participation as well as comments on the course in general. Just about everyone in the MET has a background in education or technology or has experience in instructional design. The consequence is that, as individuals, we have a lot to start with in most ETEC courses. In this course […]
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gillian 10:27 am on August 5, 2012 Permalink | Log in to Reply
Your suggestions for increasing participation in the OERs make a good deal of sense. Many of the groups offered significant content that needed to be reviewed before participation of any value could be made. I found in some cases this took a considerable amount of time leaving me until near the end of the week before I could reply and respond to the comments of others. By allowing a little more time for each might help alleviate some of that pressure.
Danielle Dubien 9:51 pm on August 5, 2012 Permalink | Log in to Reply
Hi Sheza and Meggan,
I agree that 3 extra days to deal with each OER would have been very useful. Often, it seemed that just as discussions were warming up, the week was ending. Having two overlapping OERs at any time would be manageable.
Danielle Dubien 9:59 pm on August 5, 2012 Permalink | Log in to Reply
Oops, I meant Gillian instead of Meggan. I mixed up my team mates.