W04: How Do Mobile Technologies Influence Instructional Design Choices?
“… the concept of mobile education or mobile learning is still emerging and still unclear. How it is eventually conceptualized will determine perceptions and expectations, and will determine its evolution and future. There are different stakeholders and factors at work in this process of conceptualising mobile education and the outcome is uncertain.” –Traxler, J. (2009) […]
W04: How Do Emerging Mobile Technologies Change Learning Contexts?
Today’s world can be said to be a more connected than ever before. With communication technologies constantly evolving people have more opportunities to reach out to each other in different ways. The educational practice of today is not immune to this change and is afforded new options for curriculum delivery. Topic #1: Given the […]
W03: Fixing The Mobile Culture Gap In Education
Given that mobile culture is evolving more rapidly every day and that young people are leading this evolution (don’t hesitate to argue with this statement if you disagree), there is a growing cultural gap between ‘learner’ and ‘teacher’ demographics that will inevitably become even more challenging to effective education. What symptoms of this cultural syndrome […]
W03: What Disturbs Me About Mobile Culture…
There are lots of prospectively disturbing things about mobile culture, so I will launch this conversation with something personal that scares me silly. I’m a cycle commuter, and I can attest to the fact that despite several years of fines being in place for distracted driving, a disturbingly large portion of humanity can’t resist texting, talking & […]
W03: A Pleasantly Surprising Trend in Mobile Culture…
My father read the Encyclopedia Britannica from cover to cover – several times. He cared about the value of having knowledge with him, so consuming it was his only option. The benefit for him was about social status, as few could match his memory. So one aspect of mobile culture that I was originally surprised […]
W02: If Every Learner Had Just One Mobile Technology It Would Be…
I once had a company that built the only wireless laptop in the world designed exclusively for K-12 education. This was years before the “one laptop per child” movement began, but at that time I really did believe that if every child in the world had something that worked like a networked laptop, truly transformative […]
W02: What I Hate About Mobile Technologies…
Is it that they’re not waterproof? Is it that they’re still so disruptive to traditional social interactions? Is it that you’re a cyclist (like me) & you expect to be killed by someone texting while driving? Mobile technologies are far from perfect, and perfection is almost certainly a pipe dream in any case. INSTRUCTIONS: Read […]
W02: Mobile Technologies I Want To See Someday…
Pursuant to the thought that so many mobile technologies today seem like magic (in the sense of Arthur C. Clarke’s observation that any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic), what kind of magic would you like to conjure, or have conjured, that doesn’t exist now? Keep in mind that a technology doesn’t necessarily have […]
W01: Does Context Rock?
This post is a discussion forum for ideas related to W01 – Mobility Perspectives. Specifically, this is a place to share your ideas about how important context is, how can educators employ it, and how might learners benefit from harnessing their own context better. INSTRUCTIONS: Read through a set of the existing responses below. Use the Thumbs Up tool to recommend any within […]
W01: The Social Narrative
This post is a discussion forum for ideas related to W01 – Mobility Perspectives. Specifically, this is a place to share your ideas about the potential of mobile technologies serving to reinvigorate learning’s connection with community, society and culture. INSTRUCTIONS: Read through a set of the existing responses below. Use the Thumbs Up tool to recommend any within your set that […]