Hello from Vancouver!

Hi all! My name is Pei and I am an academic advisor at a local university in Burnaby, BC. This is my 6th/7th course and I’m taking 565C along this course. The past few months have been quite challenging for everyone but also makes the learning about educational technology that more relevant. From making education accessible to student engagement; mobile and open learning can’t be more close to our lives than present. I am hoping to transition my career to the field of learning design and that is why I am in the MET program.

In my spare time, I enjoy walking and discovering new pastry shops. Whenever I visit a new place, I often would sign up for a local walking tour and see if I could find any cafe or bakery that I could come back to visit later!

I am very excited to start the course and can’t wait to learn from all of you!

I went to Taroko national park earlier this year when I was visiting my grandma in Taiwan. It was surreal to be standing there and admired the beauty of nature.

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13 responses to “Hello from Vancouver!”

  1. Matt Wise

    Hi Pei,

    Lovely to meet you and thank you for the photo of Taroko, my wife and I have travelled in and around Taiwan more times than I can count now and love the culture and natural beauty. Taiwan is a very special part of the world and your photo brings back many fond memories!

    I think accessibility becomes a very important conversation when looking at online learning, especially considering just how diverse our student’s learning environments can be. I look forward to learning with you.


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  2. Lyon Tsang

    Tell us more about the pastries !

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    1. Pei

      Hi Lyon! Are you a fellow pastry lover? Please share your list too if you’re! I like La Baguette et Compagnie on Broadway and Alma (obviously for its baguette) and Thomas Haas for its croissants.

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  3. silvia chu

    Hi Pei,

    My grandma is from Taiwan. I’ve only been there twice. I wish I could return to visit it again once this covid it over.

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    1. Pei

      Hi Silvia,
      I’m definitely longing for the day when it’s safe to travel again too. Which city(cities) did you visit in Taiwan? Years ago I was looking at travelling to Argentina to learn Spanish but decided to go to Costa Rica instead. I’d love to visit Argentina one day!

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      1. silvia chu

        Hi Pei,

        I went to Taipei, TaiNan and Gao Xiong. It is very pretty, just to warm for me. I love winter. I wish we could have Canadian cold down here. The best we can get here is 8-10C in winter. Can’t wait for winter! How’s your Spanish?

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  4. Ceci

    Hi Pei,

    Nice to meet you! My grandpa lived in Taiwan too, but he passed away a few years ago. I never met him… so I really hope to visit Taiwan some day! Looking forward to learning with you this term.


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    1. Pei

      Hello Ceci,
      Nice meeting you too and sorry to hear the loss of your grandpa. Congratulations on wrapping up the program!!!!! What an achievement! I probably will come to you at some point about tips on staying on top of things. ; )

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      1. Ceci

        Anytime, Pei! I’d love to share with you my experiences 🙂

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  5. carla pretorius

    Pei! I’m so happy to see you again! 😀 I share your love of bakeries, my weakness in particular is bread (I just love it) and I have a chef friend that delivers freshly baked bread to my house now every week. I kid you not- I have four different loaves in my freezer (just let me know if you need photographic evidence). Beautiful photo, you’re probably so glad you took the trip when you did…

    ( 0 upvotes and 0 downvotes )
    1. Pei

      CARLA!! That’s one awesome friend and I’d LOVE to have fresh baked bread to my house too. Just the thought of that makes me very happy. : )
      Not going to put you on the spot but if you do have photo to share…

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  6. Binal Khakharia

    Hi Pei! Good to see you again in another course! Hope you’ve been well 🙂

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    1. Pei

      Hello Binal!
      I also left a comment on your post but I want to make sure I say hi to you properly too. It’s so nice to see you again!

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