I use PhET a fair bit with my classes, and have been assigning some simulations for “homework” now that I cannot do in-class lab experiments with them at this time. For the last year or so, they have been converting their Java based applets to HTML 5 versions so that the sims can be used with a browser on different platforms without needing to download the applet and run it on the JRE. I, personally, had not yet run the simulations on my phone, but some of my students have. I decided to try it out for this week’s Resource Mining and recorded my phone screen while exploring it (please excuse my random mumbling!). The website loads very quickly as do the HTML 5 sims (I tried 3 different ones for fun ). I was going to end it there but then decided to try the OG Java versions to see if they would work on my phone, and was pleasantly surprised to see that there are browser-compatible versions of the .jar files. I tried those out, too, and although they work, they are quite slow to load and not as smooth to run as the HTML 5 ones. They also run a lot smoother on the computer, but this is a good alternative for when a class set of computers are not readily available!