A1 : The impact of mobile learning on cognitive learning

Originally posted by vivien kamhoua on June 23, 2018

I can personally see some changes that technology immersion and mobile learning are bringing into my cognitive learning habits. I have decided to investigate how mobile learning is affecting our cognitive learning. From the time where it was common to memorise and remember someone’s phone number till now that we just save it on a handheld device instead.

Please have a look to my analysis on this website. The video on the site is a summary of the text.

Feedback and thoughts are welcome!


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One response to “A1 : The impact of mobile learning on cognitive learning”

  1. Jane Wu

    Originally posted by Kim Ducharme on January 20, 2019
    This is a great analysis on the “use it or lose it” phenomenon! It reminds me of one of the potential downsides of the mobile device always in our hands — the atrophying of neural pathways in our brain that are critical to learning. Yikes! Apparently, easy access to information has pushed us towards offloading tasks that require mental energy, and we are out practice with the type of mental connect-the-dots activities required of analytical thinking and deeper cognition. The next generation of learners may be seen as reluctant to spend energy on “thinking.” But on the other hand, isn’t it true that we are naturally born with a hunger to learn? If yes, I would challenge us to think about ways to leverage the unique affordances of mobile devices for good, towards constructing instead of offloading knowledge? As educators, curriculum designers, lesson planners, and EdTech software developers incorporating mobile learning into the mix, how might we build in strategies that coax learners to exercise these “muscles” in ways that keep those critical pathways strong?

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