Originally posted by Kevin Low on June 2, 2018
Duolingo is an awesome free language app that allows the user to learn different languages in a game type of style. Some of these languages include Spanish, French, English, German and many other languages with 28 in total.
This app has many type of game styles in order for you to learn the language and also has an evaluation test to gauge where you will start in learning. The lessons and the amount of time you put into the language is up to you as there are many short lessons that range from speaking the actual language to reading vocabulary and filling in the blanks on the actual smart phone. As an added bonus as you complete the games you unlock achievements based off of your activities or a goal that you have set.
The beautiful thing about this app is it combines learning a language which can be difficult in itself and adds the fun aspect of mobile games through a variety of game modes and achievements. Next time you are planning a big trip away and want to learn some of the language check out Duolingo!

Update on Duolingo from the user and the language teacher in 2023. I assume the app has changed since 2018. It does not feel like a game anymore; at least not at the beginner’s level where good old drilling is expected. If you have enough free time for that, it is quite helpful, but so is the dictionary, and so is the textbook. I would vote for Duolingo being used together with other learning resources. Thank you!
Duolingo is a versatile app in the sense that it can be used in the classroom in a variety of ways. I like to use Duolingo as an extension for earlier finishers. I encourage students to choose French in the classroom, however when I assigned it as an extension during remote learning I said they could choose a language of their choice to hopefully promote engagement. Not only can students use this app, but I used it when I lived in Italy and picked up some of their language, spelling, pronunciation all from this app.