Virtual Tours & Live Cams

Even though exploring the Louvre or the MoMA on a screen is not quite the same as walking through their beautiful galleries; and observing giraffes and elephants on a webcam is not even close to the experience of going on a safari, they provide an option to experience these vicariously. Virtual tours have gained popularity during this time of self-isolation and quarantine when traveling for leisure is not an option. Nature cams have their own place in education for virtual field trips that may not otherwise be possible, allowing people to explore parts of the world they would not otherwise be able to.

Here are links to a few that I spent some time exploring from my phone this time. They are all quick to load, most of them are of high visual quality, and best of all, I can spend as much or as little time staring at an exhibit as I like – no pressure and no crowds 😀

Watch the sea otters at the Vancouver Aquarium:

See what exploring Mars felt like to Curiosity:

Travel the world with National Geographic:

Nature webcams:

Virtual museum tours (without the crowds!):

Forbes list of best virtual tours during Coronavirus:

( Average Rating: 4 )

2 responses to “Virtual Tours & Live Cams”

  1. tyler graham

    Virtual tours, as you said, can never replace the real thing. But I love that people can access the Louvre from anywhere. It’s a lot of money to get to Paris and that prices literally billions of people out. And the educational possibilities are great. I could have my kids do a virtual tour of a museum, pick a topic of interest to them, and produce something original on it – all from Burnaby, BC. That’s pretty amazing. And the add-ons that can be applied on screen to supplement the experiences can in some ways make the virtual experience more meaningful. Of course in the future the AR possibilities that will be easily available will level that playing field…

    ( 2 upvotes and 0 downvotes )
    1. Binal Khakharia

      I can’t wait to see how AR, and mixed realities in general, change the future of these tours. It definitely is pretty amazing!

      ( 0 upvotes and 0 downvotes )

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