Smart Rings

Originally by charkirk on January 18, 2017

Much has been written in previous posts about wearable technology so I don’t think I need to go into a lot of detail.  Recently, however, I’ve been hearing more about “Smart” Rings.

 Essentially it functions as a fitness tracker similar to a Fitbit.  These smart rings seem to be geared toward the fashion conscious wearable technology consumer but I’m wondering about its use in education to motivate and encourage students.  The ones that look like mood rings are particularly fun!! 

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3 responses to “Smart Rings”

  1. carla pretorius

    I would so wear this device! The reason why I haven’t gone the smart watch or fitness tracker route yet has been because I don’t like the idea of something sending through extra notifications and that requires another charging station. That being said, I really hope I don’t have to charge this ring. The fact that it has to be sized specifically for the user’s finger is probably part of the reason why it hasn’t taken off (no mass production here) and the jewelry business probably won’t be able to make much profit of such a sale- better to keep to their current marketing strategy of a ring symbolizing ever-lasting love and commitment as it inspires a specific eagerness to invest in such an expensive object.

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  2. silvia chu

    That is so interesting. This is the first time I see this. The first thing that pops in my mind, is “spy gadget”. Maybe in the future, they will be to incorporate other features too. I believe that couples might welcome it as long as they like it. Rings can be from plastic to precious metals to smart rings.
    Tiffany and Co. are a classic. Maybe they might want to consider it. However, coming from a jewelry business family, I still like my gold. Precious metals are rare and still has its value. Technology can be pricey but time passes by they become outdated and devalue.

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  3. Lyon Tsang

    Why haven’t smart rings taken off as quickly as smartwatches? Maybe they stray a little too close to the realm of jewelry, where we attach certain connotations and meanings to the ring as an object.

    There’s a gendered aspect here for sure — are men (especially those unmarried) entirely open to the idea of wearing one? Aren’t rings also often used as symbols of love, union, and commitment between couples? Is a smart ring romantic? How would Tiffany and Co. stay in business if people decided to start proposing with these (bought at a fraction of the price, and equipped with a practical features like a heart rate monitor and smartphone notifications) rather than a diamond ring that just looks nice?

    Perhaps smart rings illustrate what is possible with mobile culture, but not what is necessarily… necessary.

    ( 2 upvotes and 0 downvotes )

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