Future Baby Apps to Designer Babies

Originally posted by kelly nichols on June 1, 2018

There are a variety of free apps available that state they can determine the facial features of an unborn child simply by using a picture of the prospective parents.  A quick glance at the ratings and reviews and we know that the technology isn’t there yet, but are we that far off?  I recently took the 23&Me Health and Ancestry kit and was surprised at how accurately they described my present health, development, and ancestry; all from a small tube of spit.  If and when the technology arrives, will designer babies be propelled into the mainstream?  Will we evolve (or devolve) from swiping left and right to find a spouse, to swapping pictures with prospective partners in an attempt to identify the potential healthiness and beauty of our unborn children?  How will societies ideals of the optimal child then shape the future human race? 

Baby Maker: Predicts baby face – Apps on Google Play. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.xycore.BabyMaker&hl=en_CA

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