Rap About It

Originally posted by unknown on February 5, 2016

Through recent searchers for more information on the effects of technology, specifically mobile technology, on humans and human interaction, I came across this video: “Can We Auto-Correct Humanity?”. It is preaching to/from a certain perspective, that of the negative effects or ‘loss of connection’ though social media, but still has an interesting perspective (in a rap version none the less), which supports ideas and theories brought forth by other theorists, such as Sherry Turkle, about the ‘disconnection’ experience. There are many benefits to mobile technologies, that I am still hopeful will outweigh the drawbacks such as the disconnection effect, but I think it is important to consistently question and consider what the technology itself is changing within our own species. How our evolution as humans has been altered due to our own effects on the evolution of technology. Just some food for thought.

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One response to “Rap About It”

  1. greg patton

    This was originally posted in 2016, but I still think it is something we are dealing with, and will continue to deal with, as mobile technology becomes ever more pervasive and easily accessible for the global population. As a father of two, I have watched as both my kids have easily slipped into interacting with their friends online rather than in person; even now with restrictions on interactions lifting it is hard to get them to venture out and visit with friends close by. As educational leaders we need to be able to demonstrate that fine balance between social connection and social media connection. As we delve into looking at hybrid models for the coming year(s?) we need to be mindful that online education is a powerful tool, but one-on-one conversations in the flesh build such connections with people that cannot be compared to virtual connections. And in a time of isolation as we are seeing, those connections are priceless.

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