A1- Design Thinking when Authoring e-learning

We live in a era where everything we communicate is digital. Designing learning around digital aspects of authoring tools and e-learning is truly a learning experience. The assignment I focused on in powerpoint is a walkthrough some of the design thinking processes, tools, and finally a working example of creating a 10 week long design thinking training I hope to publish with a team at the University in the fall. See link to the ppt below. Please note that some artifacts like fonts or images might have shifted in the upload and is not intentional.

Just hit space bar to begin the slideshow as you progress.


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One response to “A1- Design Thinking when Authoring e-learning”

  1. Jamie Ashton

    Hey Luke,
    This was really great. I enjoyed the overview you offered in design thinking and the attention you gave to empathy. I think empathy is so vital in everything we do, and is central to successful education. Empathy in e-learning and instructional design is important, but empathy in the traditional classroom is important too (and sometimes lacking)!

    Such a great resource. Thanks for making and sharing!


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