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Video Podcasts – Now Supported on Spotify

Hello everyone! I just saw on the news that Spotify started to support video podcasts. Spotify states that by using visuals, “fans can get to know their favorite podcast hosts even better, and creators can more deeply connect with their audiences”. In this week’s OER, we focused on audio podcasts (which I love) and its […]

Podcasting in Education: What Are the Benefits?

Podcasting in Education: What Are the Benefits?

The main advantages of using podcasts were discussed in this blog. The writer did a good job explaining the main benefits and he echoed what this week’s OER team put forward. However, one of the benefits caught my attention. The author claimed that students listened for longer than they would watch or read. I agree […]

Strategic Intelligence: visual research framework

At the very end of my research for 5G I encountered the World Economic Forum’s Strategic Intelligence feature that provides a visual framework for its insights curated by top universities and organizations and machine learning. It was helpful to see a map of topics and subtopics related to concepts I’m not familiar with, and I […]