Artificial Intelligence for mobile learning

AI technology is emerging in the educational context by bringing a new revolution in students’ learning experience as well as educators’ curriculum design. It’s potential is expanding from grading students, identifying the challenges in learning to giving a nudge to both student and teachers when required. Providing personalized learning to students and helping them make decisions in their everyday learning is enhancing students’ overall performance and helping universities to retain the students.

The digital assistant Beacon (chatbot) app developed by Staffordshire University uses AI technology to help students in answering their questions and facilitate their decision making process from course selection to suggesting the resources. Beacon is helping university students by providing a personalized one-on-one learning which is usually not possible by an individual lecturer due to the large number of students. Besides answering questions related to university campus and day-to-day services, it helps in providing content relevant to students, organizes the tasks for the students and provides support services to the new students. In addition, Beacon chatbot also recommends professional groups and societies based on student’s interests and experience level.

AI technology in mobile learning is helping universities build a positive relationship with their students by providing customized support when needed. Finally, AI technology is not only creating a smart learning environment to provide personalized learning experience but also providing content analytics to educators in understanding the trends and help design better curriculums to support education needs. 


‘It’s an educational revolution’: how AI is transforming university life | Education | The Guardian

Featured Image: “Chatbot robot” by Beantin webbkommunikation is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0

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